Dicewars is a pretty old game, but I've never learned to play it and the website doesn't have any instruction.On the umpteenth time it's suggested to Neatorama, I've finally played it for the first time ... and I'm hooke...
Ever see the mall kiosk that lets you put your mug shot in a pose (then print it on a t-shirt)?. Well, this is the web-equivalent: Face in Hole.Face in Hole makes it pretty darn easy for you to put your face (or those of...
I've recently moved to Cincinnati, and on a recent trip up I-75 exploring my new surroundings, I found Jesus. Literally.
Standing 62 feet high, with a 42-foot wing span between the hands, the Solid Rock Church's stat...
Rich Muller of Guy Robot told us about his robot sculptures made from junk and found-objects. We've featured a number of robot sculptures before, but his website is well worth the visit: Link - Thanks Rich!...
David Meddings of reelfurniture makes chairs and tables out of recycled timber. One of his specialties is this rocking chair made from those giant wooden reels (like the ones used to transport power lines). Link - via Ec...