Archive for March 20th, 2008

Dicewar Flash Game

Dicewars is a pretty old game, but I've never learned to play it and the website doesn't have any instruction.On the umpteenth time it's suggested to Neatorama, I've finally played it for the first time ... and I'm hooke...

Face in Hole

Ever see the mall kiosk that lets you put your mug shot in a pose (then print it on a t-shirt)?. Well, this is the web-equivalent: Face in Hole.Face in Hole makes it pretty darn easy for you to put your face (or those of...

World's Longest Ear Hair (Again)

We've posted about Radhakant Bajpai's unusual world record of longest ear hair before, but it seems that his ear tufts won't stop growing: the Indian grocer ear hair now measured almost 10 inch (25 cm), nearly double his...

"Flash" Mountain and Other Disney Secrets

Shaun McLane just posted a neat list about some obscure Disney facts on Listropolis blog. Some are new to me, like this cheeky one:5. Flash Mountain - No, not Splash Mountain, Flash Mountain. Flash M...

Iron Maiden's Flying Tour Bus: Boeing 757 Named Ed Force One!

Photo: News46 [Flickr]Many travel bands go by bus, but not Iron Maiden ... they have their very own flying tour bus: a Boeing 757 named "Ed Force One", piloted by the band's frontman Bruce Dickinson. And yes, t...

The finest impressionist entertainer on Earth.

André-Philippe Gagnon [Wikipedia] is a Québécois impressionist entertainer. His act is unique for his specialized talent in impersonating the singing voices of celebrities as opposed to his contemporaries who typi...

Sunset from Space

The Astronomy Picture of the Day is a gorgeous sunset in honor of the Vernal Equinox. To celebrate the equinox, consider this colorful view of the setting Sun. Recorded last June from the International Space Stat...

Adventures in Rechargeable Batteries

Jeff Atwood of Coding Horror has a helpful and informative article about rechargeable batteries. The beauty of it is the unabashed joy he takes in his new charger. ...I ended up tossing my generic "rapid" chargers i...

Clarke and Dawe on the Mortgage Crisis

John Clarke and Bryan Dawe of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation explain the subprime mortgage meltdown in a manner even I can understand. People who don’t know what they’re doing will buy anything, Bryan.*...

Ghostriding the MRAP

(YouTube link) Ghostriding a car is old hat, but how about a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle? These marines in Iraq are up to the task. Warning- brief mooning at the end. -via Gorilla Mask...

Ten Cleanest Cities in the US

Forbes’ list of America's Cleanest Cities is out, and Miami ranks at #1. You can only find out all top ten by watching a slideshow, so I’m listing them for you: 1. Miami, Florida 2. Seattle, Washington 3. Jackso...

Big Butter Jesus

I've recently moved to Cincinnati, and on a recent trip up I-75 exploring my new surroundings, I found Jesus. Literally. Standing 62 feet high, with a 42-foot wing span between the hands, the Solid Rock Church's stat...

Wear A Sweater Day

Fred Rogers, star of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, would have been 80 years old today. In honor of his birthday, Mr McFeely asks you to wear your favorite sweater. "We’re asking everyone everywhere — from Pitt...

A Bird’s Bad Day

(YouTube link) The tale of a confused bird, an obedient dog, and a curious cat. -via Arbroath...

Frogger Desktop Arcade

p>Remember the Seinfeld episode where George Costanza bought a Frogger machine with his high score and tried to push it across a busy street? Well, if only he had this Frogger desktop arcade! Desktop...

Trivia: Hazardous Waste Dumps in New Jersey

There are more hazardous waste sites in New Jersey than anywhere else in the United States.In 1998, The Garden State had 109 hazardous waste sites on the national priorities list for the federal Superfund program or 8.7%...

The School of Poop: Potty Training School for Kids

We're going to try potty train our oldest child soon - so it's with great interest that I read this CNN article on ... poop school for kids who hate to go potty (or are afraid of the toilet): While Dunn works on the...

Guy Robot

Rich Muller of Guy Robot told us about his robot sculptures made from junk and found-objects. We've featured a number of robot sculptures before, but his website is well worth the visit: Link - Thanks Rich!...

The Ball Inside the Guinness Can

What's that ball doing in your can of Guinness? Well, Tory of Hobson's Choice blog found out the answer:Basically, the small plastic ball is called a widget. The purpose of the widget is to release CO2 from some of t...

Improvised Basement Fallout Shelter from The Late 1960s

In 1967, the US Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense published a 28-page pamphlet on how to harden your home's basement to help survive against radiation and fallout from a nuclear blast.Included is a chapter o...

The Brain Rules: Why the Brain Can't Multitask

Molecular biologist and University of Washington professor John Medina told us about his book, Brain Rules. In it, he presents 12 "rules" to boost your brain power, based on what scientists know for su...

Reel Furnitures

David Meddings of reelfurniture makes chairs and tables out of recycled timber. One of his specialties is this rocking chair made from those giant wooden reels (like the ones used to transport power lines). Link - via Ec...

Camera on a Bench Beckons Strangers to Take Photos

Jay Carlson of The Plug tied a disposable camera to a bench with a sign asking people to take photos. When he came back later that evening, the entire roll of film had been shot. Here are the photos that were taken: Lin...

The Simpsons Intro ... South Park Style!

What would happen if you mash up The Simpsons with South Park? Well, wonder no more: YouTube user DeemienX has animated the intro to The Simpsons, done South Park style!Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Look at This...

The Doggie Car Sack

From the Jun 1936 issue of Popular Mechanics, behold the Running Board, a DIY sack that lets your dog ride on your car, not in it!Link - via PhotoBasement and digg, thanks Lee!...

The Best Business Card Ever!

Über Google software engineer Matt Cutts (who blogged about Neatorama way back when!) happened to find an unusual business card in an old book:I found this business card in an old book that I bought at a book...

The Troll Show, an Animated News Show

Raul Fernandez told us about his animated series called The Troll Show, about real-life news show hosted by trolls (who are tired of all this "Internet troll" nonsense).It's quite cute - and best of all, some o...

The Marriage Con ... with a Twist: Woman Disguised Herself as a Man and Proposed Marriage to Other Women

Meet Li Xu, a Chinese "army major" who cheated a strings of girls by disguising herself as a man and proposing marriage:She was arrested after Liu Lian, of Datong city, Shanxi province, reported she had bee...

Quote: Will Durst on Racism

"Racism is so stupid. There's more than enough reasons to dislike people on an individual basis." - Will Durst, political satirist...

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