Son Hired Stripper for His Father's Funeral

To fulfill a promise, Cai Ruigong hired an erotic dancer to perform at his father's funeral:

Son, Cai Ruigong, paid her more than £80 to dance in memory of his late father, reports United Daily News.

Cai Ruigong says he promised his father a stripper for his funeral if he lived beyond the age of 100. [...]

His son said his father was famous locally for his interest in strip clubs: "He would travel around the island with his friends to see these shows," he added.


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I want a big party at my funeral.
None of this crying and other BS they do at funerals in the US. As far as I'm concerned spend the money on renting a bar for the night instead of a funeral home. Just prop me up on my favorite stool put a drink in my hand and party away.
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