The Silent Smoke Detector Sprays Wasabi in the Air

If you've ever eaten sushi, then you'll know that a little dab of wasabi (or Japanese horseradish) goes a looooong way.

Now, a company in Japan has created a prototype silent smoke alarm for people with hearing disabilities. It sprays a mist of wasabi essence (from spray can wasabi!) into the air.

The pungent smell succeeded in waking up 13 out of 14 test subjects within 2 minutes. One deaf subject woke up in a mere 10 seconds.

Link (with embedded LiveLeak videos) - via Spluch

Yeah, how well could you get out of the house with your eyes on fire from the wasabi in the air? I think people would wake up faster to the smell of bacon (I prefer turkey bacon).
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I'd rather wake up to my eyes burning from wasabi than... not wake up at all.

I wouldn't wake up to the smell of food, especially if it was in a deep sleep. But something as physically irritating as wasabi? Definitely.
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Wasabi makes me wake up even when I'm already awake! I could see this having a LOT of potential, unless the person in question was a huge wasabi-eater in the first place. Then all it would do is maybe make them dream of noshing on sashimi.

Just thinking about wasabi has me hungry for some sushi, though. *Pavlovian drool*

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is it just me, or would a much more logical solution to the problem be a device that would shake the friggin' bed when there was a fire instead of spraying the poor saps with wasabi?
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