How can one find the most beautiful woman in Italy? A Japanese expert determined the following 4 steps:
1) Find a random woman on the street.
2) Ask that woman to introduce the film crew to a more beautiful friend.
3) Have that more beautiful friend introduce the film crew to an even more beautiful friend.
4) Repeat until one meets the 12th woman - she will be the most beautiful woman in Italy.
A Japanese TV show traveled to Italy and attempted this method, and the results are in the video. As seen on Japan Probe.
Click play or go to Link.
From a stand point of physical attractiveness the film crew could have stopped at the second girl and given her the title. In the end, I guess, it's the same as art - I know it when I see it.
This is quite an interesting project, but not a very accurate experiment. It's fun to watch though.
1) Find a random woman on the street.
2) Ask that woman to introduce the film crew to a more beautiful friend.
3) She will be the most beautiful woman in Italy.
I've seen better. They started with the wrong girl on this one.
OOOOOOOOH!!!! (in the background kawaiii!!!)
I'm totally envious of the last one, though. She actually was REALLY pretty, in my opinion.
As for this, gotta echo whate everyone else said and say the 2nd girl was the prettiest. I think the last girl was pretty as well though.
We went to Italy last year, and let me tell you, alot of the women there put all of the girls in that video to SHAME.
They're VERY fashion conscious over there and put together very well. Makes us US gals look like total slobs. I could care less though. I happily walked around in my t-shirt and jeans. The one negative though is that it seemed like alot of the Italians that we encountered had a very snotty attitude. I know they're not all like that, but I guess we just had very bad luck :P
hmm...but beauty is so much more than just your physical appearance.....society nowadays has twisted our view on beauty...:(
Although pretty in real life is not always pretty on film, and vice versa.
Nr 12 could very well be the prettiest in real life. On film I go for nr 2 also.
And what would you do if you had a Japanese man jumping up and down screaming coming towards you with a camera?
I think the main thing we've learned here is that either women are poor judges of how attractive their friends are compared to themselves, or that when you ask them to show you their prettiest friend, they lie.
I've heard some people denounce those who find personality more important than looks, saying that such people feel this way because they themselves are unattractive. I've also noticed that these unkind critics are singularly unattractive to me, both physically and otherwise. However, I find most "supermodel" types to be rather "generic" in appearance (to the point where they look alike to me and could vanish in a crowd to my eye), so maybe the unkind critics fit the criteria for "mass-market pretty." Or maybe not... which might explain their need to misinterpret the feelings of those who value personality over looks. In all honesty, I can't tell by looking. But I do feel that the true "ugly that goes to the bone" is a bad personality, and not a physical attribute.