[Video Link]Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee told reporters that when he was in college, he and his friends used to cook squirrels in a popcorn popper -- because that was the only appliance they were allowed to use.
Slate V's Samantha Henig headed to Central Park intent on discovering whether or not one really could cook a squirrel successfully in a popcorn popper.
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Video runtime: 2 minutes, 49 seconds. Preceded by 30 second commercial.
This all sounds too suspect for me, even though it can be safely assumed that squirrels are good eats.
As for eating squirrel, that was nothing unusual back in my native east Texas, at least not a few decades back. The start of squirrel season in the fall used to be the biggest outdoor event of the year. It kinda compares to what I've read about moose season in Sweden. Everyone, rich and poor, used to head out to hunt squirrels (deer were extremely rare until conservation efforts brought them back in the 60s). There were 'squirrel camps' all over. Fried squirrel with gravy was the main dish, but there were many variations. Personally, I don't get the culinary attraction. Squirrel is very gamey. But hunting them is fun.
Rabbit would have been a better replacement for squirrel than chicken. Think about it.
Eat the cute ones, they don't do anything.