Archive for March 16th, 2008

Modern Products in Vintage Ads

The theme of this Worth 1000 contest is to insert modern products into vintage advertising. Computers, game consoles, vehicles, and even Viagra get the treatment. I especially loved this Nokia flyer. http://www.worth10...

Open Doors, a Flash Game

Open Doors is a neat little Flash game by Kongregate user soapaintnice.The object of the game is simple: use the arrow keys to move a square box to its destination through a bunch of doors. The trick is, some doors don't...

Beer Flags

Belgium Beer FlagBrazil Beer FlagJapanese Beer FlagArnold Worldwide ad agency created this cheeky "A World of Beer" flag ads for Sunset Grill and Tap in Allston, Boston - via Ads of the World...

Mario in Real Life

p>Ever wonder what Mario would look like in real life? Well, thanks to Pixeloo, now we can: If Mario was real, thas one creepy plumber. Created with Photoshop CS2 and a bunch of random faces pasted over a 3d render...

Maximizing a Stripper's Tip: The Secret is Fertility

Oh, the sacrifices scientists will do for science! University of New Mexico psychologist Geoffrey Miller "tapped the talent" at local gentleman's club (read: strip club) to find out what factor fertility plays...

The Benefits of Boredom

Are you bored? Got nothing to do? If you think that boredom is something to be avoided - read this. It turns out that boredom may actually be a good thing:But are we too busy twirling through the songs on our iPods...

Mike Huckabee's Squirrel Recipe

[Video Link]Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee told reporters that when he was in college, he and his friends used to cook squirrels in a popcorn popper -- because that was the only appliance they were allowed to use...

Snake Juice

Peter Kelly reponded to the post about rattlesnake vodka with this photograph he took in Vietnam. The caption reads These are artistically arranges snakes in bottles of liquor. People drink this. Really. Lin...

Rattlesnake Vodka Seized

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission seized an unusual cache of vodka at a rattlesnake farm in Palo Pinto County. The 411 bottles each contained not only vodka, but also a ten-inch rattlesnake! Sgt. Charlie Cloud said...

Finnish Love Vacation

Member of Parliament Tommy Tabermann has proposed that the four weeks of annual vacation in Finland be expanded to include a 7-day “love vacation” to strengthen relationships. According to Tabermann, the purpose...

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