Archive for March 15th, 2008

10 Blogs to Find Wonderful Things

Marshall Kirkpatrick of ReadWriteWeb wrote an article titled 10 Sites For Finding Wonderful Things, and guess who made it to the list?Yup - it's this lil' blog! Here's what he said about Neatorama: Neatorama is a lo...

Sagrada Familia Cathedral and Other UNESCO World Heritage Sites in LEGO

Photo: hatayanaorg favorite blog on all things LEGO (here's one reason why), has a really neat post about the piece of Peace exhibit in Japan. It features UNESCO World Heritage sites built out of LEGO bricks by Kazuyoshi...

Tornado Hit Atlanta: Hope Everyone's OK!

Photo: Ben Ray at Environmental Graffiti (more there, and on Flickr)Downtown Atlanta was hit with a giant EF-2 tornado with winds up to 130 mph on Friday. And if that's not enough, today the city is hit with a massive su...

Top 10 Job Interview Blunders

Reuters has an article up about a recent survey of HR managers about the greatest interviewing mistakes that they've ever seen: - When an applicant was offered food before the interview, he declined saying he didn't...

Pranking the boss

I laughed out loud at this one. Two employees prank their extra large boss and catch it on video. Before anybody gets too feisty, let it be known that I'm on Team Fat Man as well. Us big guys can dish it out as well...

One-legged Cheerleader Stands Tall

Lacey Henderson’s right leg was amputated when she was nine years old due to a tumor in her kneecap. But at her mother’s suggestion, she tried out to become a cheerleader in high school. Not only did she make the tea...

Heartbeat Bookshelf

Be still, my heart! Swedish designer Måns Salomonsen created this awesome bookshelf shaped like a heartbeat in an electrocardiogram. - via Freshome (See also...

Quote: Raymond Chandler on Split Infinitive

"When I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it stays split." - Raymond Chandler, author...

Two-Faced Baby in India

This two-faced baby, born in a small rural village in Northern India just a couple of days ago, has already attracted a lot of worshippers:Word spread quickly among villagers about the newborn baby girl.The baby is seen...

Dolphin Helped Beached Whale by Giving Them a Good Talking-To.

Two pygmy sperm whales had repeatedly beached themselves on Mahia beach in New Zealand and conservationists had trouble trying to get them back out to sea. That is, until Moko the bottlenosed dolphin, who is well known l...

Do Beautiful Resumes Help You Get the Job?

Need a job? Jacob Share of JobMob posted a compilation of 36 beautiful resumes that stand out from the boring ol' black-and-white ones job seekers everywhere make by the millions.This one to the left is the resume of gra...

Radical Rodents: Surfing Mice from Down Under

Meet the Radical Rodents, the "coolest and hippest mice in the world" and keen surfers from Down Under! Their owner, Shane Willmott of Queensland, takes the mice surfing when the sea is calm and said that they...

The Walls are Buzzing Because They're Full of Bees!

Helen and Jerry Stathatos got a beautiful garden and they know that they've got the bees to thank for it. So, for 20 years, they've tolerated a colony of bees that live in the walls of their house!The situation at th...

Trivia: Italy is For Vacation Lovers ...

If you like to go on vacations, move to Italy. The average number of vacation days every year there is 42 days.In the United States, on the other hand, employees only get an average of 13 days of vacation each year....

The Thing Optical Illusion

The pic of Marvel Comics superhero The Thing of Fantastic Four is definitely one of the best examples of trompe l'oeil I've seen. It was drawn by Justen Ladda in 1981 at PS 37 in the Bronx, New York. Link (click on the "...

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