If you are an American, you know that when you see the name John Doe, it means someone whose name is not known. You also know that John Q. Public is a generic name for anyone and everyone. What about other countries? In Belgium, you might read about Jean Dupont, which won’t be his real name. In Finland, Matti Meikäläinen is not a real person; it means “generic male”. NationMaster has a list of generic names informally used for unnamed persons in many countries. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/lan_joh_doe_inf_nam_for_unk_or_uns_per_in_var_cou-unspecified-persons-various-countries-regions -via Dump Trumpet
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ploni almoni
Joe Schmoe = Jan Lul (meaning: John Penis) Also known as: 'Jan met de korte achternaam' (meaning: John with the short surname)
Joe Public is also called 'Jan Publiek' sometimes.