7 New "Social" Sins - Thanks Vatican!

In case the original 7 deadly sins aren't enough for you, the Vatican has come up with seven additional "social" sins to be wary of:

The seven social sins are:

1. ``Bioethical' violations such as birth control
2. ``Morally dubious'' experiments such as stem cell research
3. Drug abuse
4. Polluting the environment
5. Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor
6. Excessive wealth
7. Creating poverty


The Pope should be forced to bend over and cough on public television, that guy has to be the most high m.f. in the world to preach such crazy sh@t.
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I think its great. There is a lot happening inside the church these days. Judas not being the guy who did it anymore, new sins, i mean..what's next?
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Ah yes. Birth control. While we're still faced with the issue of many starving children in this world, you're right... it would be horrible if anyone actually were to do the responsible thing and prevent conception if they were not willing to conceive a child.
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Jesus calls us to be pick up our crosses, and become more like him! I certainly feel that these social sins are keeping us from doing just that.

Proud to be Catholic!!!!
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yeah I am pretty sure 6 and 7 can fall under 5. Nice to see pollution makes it on the list, but wtf Birth Control? So when you take your heart medicine is that also bioethical?
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none of these are "new sins"... they seem to be new ways of specifying the catholic stance on current issues. (dumb, either way, imho)
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Miss Cellania:

Yes, but they wanted seven and couldn't come up with any more. So they just reiterated one twice.

Organized religion never ceases to amaze me. Especially this one...and I went to Catholic school.
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The old 7 deadly sins, I could easily violate all of them on a typical day. These new ones suck. None of them are any fun (well, unethical medical research is fun, but I can't afford the scientific lab necessary to replace my cat's forelegs with octopus tentacles).
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For all you "sinners" above mocking the Catholic Church for their wealth-

Unlike you, the church NEEDS the wealth they have. When YOU are shelling out millions upon millions in pedophile suits and for snubbing the Jews in WWII Nazi Germany then YOU can say something about the churches wealth. Until then, pipe down.
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This reminds me of a comment a friend made yesterday concerning the Bush administration,

Crusades are acts of penance and have more to do with the guilt & sins of the crusader - I think we can start to consider that a rule of behaviour, political affiliations aside. -- kjh
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The church's idiotic stance on birth control is probably one of the main reasons for overpopulation in the world. Perhaps now they'll make "Every Sperm is Sacred" an official hymn.
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If you crossed #1 off the list, you'd be a little further ahead on #4 and #7.

The "go forth and multiply" idea wasn't conceived (ugh... sorry) when the population was pushing toward 7 billion, that's for sure.
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I'm just happy to hear that the Roman Catholic Church is still relevant and important today. It'll be a cold day in, well, if I believed in it, hell when I take ethical advice from an organization that:

* venerates campfire stories from shepherds of 2,000 years ago
* sheltered and encouraged pedophiles by covering up their crimes and even shuttling them to new locations with even more children to molest
* encourages the spread of poverty and incurable disease through discouraging birth control
* hypocritically preaches poverty and duty to the poor while sitting on an invaluable stockpile of wealth. Think - the Catholic Church may be able to single-handedly rescue an entire geographic region or several countries from starvation and war with that money...

I can only hope that this new pronouncement will help to illustrate the ludicrousness of this organization and drive a few more people away from continuing to contribute to its success.
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It looks like they ran out of ideas in the last three... they could easily be compiled into one... Maybe they felt like it was necessary to have seven exactly?
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Pollution comes from every vehicle. Is the Pope going to give up all his fun little Pope-mobiles & security vehicles as well I think not. And further more Bioethical and Morally dubious are just absurd. Stem cell research has potential to save millions of lives & what about all the women out there that are on Birth control for other reasons besides a contraseptive what about them huh.

Scotto -
If the Catholic church wasn't so corrupt It wouldn't need all that money therefore it's there own fault they broke their own Sins
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For those few who care to read more on the subject, this headline and interpretation all stem from a single inaccurate British news source.

The seven items listed here were just examples given by one archbishop speaking for himself while describing the need for more awareness of sin in modern times. Somehow that became misconstrued to the Vatican releasing a "new list" of "deadly sins."

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The ignorance exhibited in the original post and in some of the comments is just mind-boggling! It drives me crazy to see that so many people who are reading Neatorama know little or nothing about Catholicism and have little or no grasp of Judaeo-Christian morality, based on the "natural law" (which God has "written" on every person's heart).

All of this is going to take some work to refute.

First of all, this whole thing is a misunderstanding, and everyone here has fallen for the stupidity of the (non-Catholic) media. The Church did not publish a list of new sins! Instead a certain Vatican-based archbishop gave a newspaper interview in which his purpose was to encourage Catholics to confess their sins during this penitential season of Lent. He mentioned some behaviors that people may or may not have known are considered sinful -- contrary to God's commandments. What was then published was subsequently misreported by ignorant people, resulting in this current, misleading Neatorama thread. A British newspaper (Daily Telegraph) had with the most sensational and misleading coverage, making the preposterous claim that the sins mentioned by the archbishop replaced the traditional Catholic understanding of the seven deadly sins!

(1) The original post here at Neatorama said that one of the sins named was "'Bioethical’ violations such as birth control."

Dear blogger, why must you lie -- or foolishly get this wrong (if you didn't intentionally lie)?
The Church does not teach that ALL birth control is sinful, but only the ARTIFICIAL forms (aka "contraception"). Why the distinction? Natural birth regulation [which, by the way, is not "rhythm"] allows God to be God. Artificial birth control places a barrier between God and man and tells God, "I will not let you create a new soul."

(2) The original post said that one of the sins named was "'Morally dubious' experiments such as stem cell research."

No! How could you not know the truth about this? The Church is very much in favor of all use of human stem cells that does not result in the killing of the person donating the cells! The valid forms of stem cell research (using cells from adults, placentas, and umbilical cords) have already resulted in cures of over 70 diseases. What is forbidden (because sinful) is the use of EMBRYONIC stem cells, because, in order to get hold of them, the researcher must KILL the embryo (an innocent, defenseless, living human being)! It is unjustifiable homicide. What's more, embryonic stem cells have produced ZERO cures (thanks be to God).

(3) Turning now to subsequent comments:
Ben said: "This coming from the richest sovereign state in the world. Typical Hypocritical abuse of power."
In a similar vein, bazik said: "lol this is just way too funny! the vatican saying excessive wealth is a sin! LMAO"

I say to both of you: You need to keep your mouth shut when you are ignorant. The Holy See (aka Vatican City State) is not wealthy, in terms of disposable cash. It has even run deficits in your lifetime. Listing sins is not an "abuse of power." The Pope has every right (and duty) to teach or remind his flock about human morality. What he did is not "hypocritical," because he is not guilty of committing the sins listed. [And even if he were guilty (and repentant), he would still have the duty to teach the truth.] Why, Ben, could you not have figured these things out? From now on, keep quiet and learn, instead of insulting innocent people.

Anthony said: "The Vatican, violating the last three? Never!"

I say: You are right, Anthony. You have NEVER witnessed the Vatican committing any of the last three sins, because it does not do so. I have been following, in a meticulously detailed way, what the Vatican has been doing since 1985 -- and in a less detailed way since the early 1960s. Thus, I know, Anthony, that you are wrong. You too should keep quiet and learn.

alison says, "oy vay," and Sofar says, "This will certainly help the Catholic church be taken seriously."

I say: The correct name is the "Catholic Church" (with two capital Cs). Contrary to your sarcasm, the truth is that many people will be pleased to read this list of sins. Too bad you are not one of them, Sofar. Maybe you don't know that the Church has 1.3 billion members and (with Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy) is the original Church that Jesus founded. She is not concerned about being "taken seriously" by ignorant people. Her job is to teach what Jesus taught, not to be popular.

I also say: I won't even bother to respond to "joker" (who is an aptly named moron) nor to the lying, demon-possessed Scotto and Chris. But I will respond to Lasse: Lasse, you too are ignorant of the facts. The Catholic Church NEVER said anything about "Judas not being the guy who did it." That garbaginous theory came from some non-Catholic ignoramus who did the devil's bidding by trying to "rehabilitate" Judas Iscariot. Also, Lasse, the Church is not inventing "new sins." Instead, she is identifying various human behaviors (some of them being rather recent) as violations of the same old Ten Commandments that God gave to mankind.

ann says: "... As if they/he are/is THE authority on this".

I say: Yes, that's right, ann. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ, so he is "THE authority" on Catholic faith and morality. He is the successor of St. Peter, who was given (and passed down) THE authority to be the chief visible shepherd of Jesus's flock. If you don't believe that, then just clam up and follow your own religion (if any). You (and others here) have NO right to tell Catholics what to believe or how to live. It's none of your business. Neither I nor the pope tell Jewish people what to believe or how to live.

JamesM sarcastically says: "While we’re still faced with the issue of many starving children in this world, you’re right… it would be horrible if anyone actually were to do the responsible thing and prevent conception if they were not willing to conceive a child."

I say: This is yet another example of a person showing his ignorance about Catholicism. The Church is in favor of every form of preventing starvation -- except for sinful actions. The Church has NEVER taught that married couples should procreate all the children that they can produce -- but rather that they practice RESPONSIBLE parenthood, having only as many children as they can properly raise. Like so many people (left ignorant by the anti-Catholic media), you seem to be totally unaware of NFP (Natural Family Planning), a series of ways that couples can responsibly (and morally) "space out" their babies, if they have a serious reason for delaying pregnancies.

Miss Cellania says: "... wouldn’t #5 make #6 and #7 redundent?"

I say: Please realize that what is listed as #1 through #7 is NOT a full quotation from the Vatican, but an incomplete and erroneous one, so you must expect it to be confusing (as it was to you). [PS: The word is spelled, "redundant."]

casey says: "Jesus calls us to be pick up our crosses, and become more like him! I certainly feel that these social sins are keeping us from doing just that. Proud to be Catholic!!!!"

I say: Thank you, Casey!!! May God bless you!

Street Attack says: "So when you take your heart medicine is that also bioethical?"

I say: There is nothing wrong with taking medicine that is designed to heal or to alleviate pain! There is no entity in the world that does as much to help human beings be freed from physical pain than the Catholic Church (through its worldwide array of hospitals).

john.k says: "LOL at the Vatican saying excessive wealth is a sin! What hypocrisy! How can anyone be Catholic"

I say: In responsing to Ben and bazik, above, I also responded to the first part of your improper comments. Now I'll respond to your closing question. The 1,300,000,000 Catholics can be Catholic because they know that you are wrong about the Church. You (and so many other people, young and old) have fallen for the lies/errors of a huge anti-Catholic propaganda machine that exists within the pagan media and academia -- and within some bigoted non-Catholic religious bodies. When the day comes that you realize that you are wrong, you will have an open mind and heart, making you too capable of becoming a Catholic. [PS: It's hard to understand how you could have observed the lives of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Pope John Paul II and still post as you did, john.]

Tony LaRocca says: "The church’s idiotic stance on birth control is probably one of the main reasons for overpopulation in the world. Perhaps now they’ll make 'Every Sperm is Sacred' an official hymn."
L says: "The 'go forth and multiply' idea wasn’t conceived (ugh… sorry) when the population was pushing toward 7 billion, that’s for sure."

I say: Your words are further examples of ignorance of the facts, Tony and L. The Church does not have a "stance" on birth control or anything else, Tony. (Politicians have "stances.") The Church instead has a 2000-year-old, error-free TEACHING, given to her by Jesus Christ (her founder) against contraception and in favor of legitimate natural birth control. The Church's teaching is not the cause of overpopulation in the world, and she is against overpopulation. In fact, the U.N. now admits that the world is NOT overpopulated AS A WHOLE -- and that some parts of the world are UNDERpopulated and shrinking in numbers, while only certain limited regions are too densely populated. Did you know that the populations of EVERY traditional ethnic group in Europe (Irish, Italian, German, French, Russian, etc.) is shrinking in a hurry, due to UNDERpopulation (too few babies to replace their dying parents? Moreover, the regions that are overpopulated now are NOT heavily Catholic regions. Everything I've just mentioned is a fact that the ultra-liberal media has been hiding from folks like you for quite a few years. [PS: On your (unfunny) comment about sperm ... No. Sperms are just cells, not living human beings, so they are not treated as "sacred" by Catholicism. How could you not have known this? Being so ignorant of facts, you too should keep quiet.]

I sincerely hope that at least some people who read my post will be open to learning the truth, will discard the errors that they have been believing until now, etc.. If anyone has an open heart and mind, please learn more of the truth about Catholicism at www.catholic.com.
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Actually the Vatican did not say anything. This is not a new teaching of the Church, but rather the opinion of 1 bishop taken out of context and hyped by the media. For the real story read below...

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Thank you for your post AnUnSi. I was about to just close the page after reading through the despicable comments, and was very grateful to see a thoughtful post on here.

I love Neatorama, its even one of my homepages, so I think its pretty sad that this erroneous story made it on the blog, spawning so many bigoted comments.
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This all brought to you by the same people that brought you the crusades, the burning times and the genocide of the American natives.
AnUnSi, your saying the church never did any of this? Please.
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I thank you for your post too AnUnSi...I am glad and thankful to have read your post, i hope many will take the time to read it.

Much love to you! real recognize real

and much much more love to the others out there..i think you all need a hug or something..too much pride not enough humility in this world = not enough love
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AnUnSi - "The Church instead has a 2000-year-old, error-free TEACHING, given to her by Jesus Christ (her founder) against contraception and in favor of legitimate natural birth control."

Heh. Since you're sure that a 2000-year-old teaching is "error-free," which one is ignorant of the facts?
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aww, the crappy trolling.

I feel sorry for AnUnSi because he wrote an excellent response but most of the things he quoted were posted by users that don't really care about these things.
It's easier to go for the quick laugh than to give yourself a minute to think about it and come up with something less idiotic than "The church’s idiotic stance on birth control is probably one of the main reasons for overpopulation in the world".

For God's sake, almost 3/4 of the World's population live in countries where Christianity is not the main religion. So what, population issues in India and China are the Church's fault?

Anyway, I'm not a Catholic even though I grew up as one.
I don't agree with many things the Catholic Church has done or proposed, but I can't deny that they help and have helped millions of people and many of their moral teachings are correct.
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You don't need to do more than skim through AnUnSi's comment to detect the condescending tone - "Dear blogger, why must you lie?" and "How could you not know the truth about this?".

What exactly is Jesus' "error-free teaching" about birth control? All I remember is the go forth and multiply part. The rest of the birth control prohibitions seem be taken from the Old Testament. And the "Every Sperm is Sacred" song is from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, poking fun at the Catholic Church's stance against using prophylactics - why is artificial birth control so wrong?

The "studies" that show the world is underpopulated are true. There are vast areas in the Arctic and Antarctic that have barely any population at all.
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Lux - You're absolutely correct. I change my response to read "The church’s idiotic stance on birth control is probably one of the main reasons for overpopulation in the Christian world." I hope this clarifies things.
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LV, this is in response to your comment, "This all brought to you by the same people that brought you the crusades, the burning times and the genocide of the American natives."

I want to ask you who started the holocaust? Hitler. Why did Hitler start the hollocaust? Because he believed in natural selection and wanted to make a superior race and eliminate the inferior race. He wanted to force natural selection. It was his main goal. A scientific theroy was the main tool used to start the holocaust. Obviously I'm not denying that my religion screwed up, the difference is we admit it, science and atheists have yet to say anything such as, "My bad." Maybe you shouldn't point figers when you're not blameless.
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Also, to everyone going on about the "Vatican Wealth", Most of that is art, ancient manuscripts and holy relics that con not be sold for money, but are valued at extremly high prices, which makes it look like the Vatican has loads of money. The ammount of currency the Vatican actually has is not as much as you may think.
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No mention of the a$$ raping of choir boys? Hmmmm, that pope ain't no dope, saving his priests fun by not listing this perpetual problem of homosexuality and the abuse of children.
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Who is the pope to say what is sin and what is not. He is a sinner by nature just like everyone else. The bible is clear..."All have sinned and fall short of God's glory." (Rom.3:23) And what is "mortal sin" anyway?? The bible says that ONE sin,no matter how you classify it is enough to condemn a person to hell..."for whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all." (James 2:10). The bottom line is, the pope doesn't seem to have a clear understanding of God's word in regard to sin. I just pray he has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ...neither religion, a church, or good deeds will get a person to heaven. Only Jesus can do this and it's by God's grace though faith ALONE...see Ephesians 2:8-9.
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Wow.... using birth control is in the same catagory as drug abuse. That's great. I am a Christian.... not a catholic. Do not confuse Catholicism with Christianity. It does not matter what the Vatican says is or is not a sin. Everyone knows right and wrong. Birth control? okay, how about a sin for the people that don't take care of the children they have that they didn't want.... is that a sin. Following the rules of the so-called church does not earn someone a place in heaven. Church is church, with man made rules, most of which are in place for control or monetary gain. The Lord is the Lord. You must have a personal relationship with Jesus. Just remember the five solas. It's who a person is on the inside that counts, not what external things they do or do not have.
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hey dude! nice reading your comments/reactions. this is my take on this matter. judging myself, [since you said no one has the right to judge others, so i judge myself], devil advocates are really reactive to GOd. i feel i am strongly reacting to God but i am afraid of my soul. God, help my unbelief.
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Sorry to all you Catholics out there (I don't want to offend anyone) but I'll probably be working TOWARDS violating #6. Hey, we all gotta have dreams!
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