Archive for March 8th, 2008

Spring Forward, Fall Back

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead tonight! Daylight Saving Time begins tonight for most of the United States and Canada. The expansion of the period we use DST is due to the Energy Policy Act of 2005; although stud...

A One-Way, One-Person Mission to Mars

Universe Today looks at the possibility of humans traveling to Mars. One of the major roadblocks to such a mission is arranging for a return flight. A one-way mission would eliminate a lot of research and expense, but is...

Police Can Be Intense

(image credit: Javad Moghimi/Fars News Agency) Dark Roasted Blend has a collection of strange and funny photographs of police and military training, operations, and vehicles. This is one of several pictures of Iranian...

No More Wire Hangers!

The Becohanger by Wannabeco is a new clothes hanger made from environmentally-friendly carboard. It is completely biodegradable, and may replace wire hangers in Britain. "Each year 100 million wire coat hangers are...

Running of the Reindeers

Photo: megstao [Flickr] Pamplona, Spain, has the famous Running of the Bulls. There are no bulls in Anchorage, Alaska, so they have to make do with reindeers. Here's the story from last week's running of the reindeers ca...

Norway's New Quota: Corporate Board 40% Women Or Else!

It's now a law in Norway that large, publicly-traded companies must have at least 40% women in their corporate boards ... or risk dissolution: "A woman comes in, a man goes out. That's how the quota works; that'...

The Great Satan Case Mod

Here's the Evil-est Case Mod evah! Behold [Dell is] the Great Satan by Ken Kirby, complete with fog machine!Links: Build Log | Gallery - via ExtremeTech and Blue's NewsIf you haven't seen it before, check out Neatorama's...

New Building Poster by eBoy

The mad scientists of pixel art: Steffen Sauerteig, Svend Smital and Kai Vermehr of eBoy have just released their newest building poster. The 1.2 m x 0.8 m (about 4 ft by 2 ft 6 in) poster is incredibly detailed - with l...

California Court: Home Schooling is a Crime

A California appeals court ruling has just made parents who home schooled their kids criminals (if they don't have teaching credentials). Here's the story that sent a shockwave through the homeschooling movement:The...

Wrestling Champ Has No Limbs

As a young boy, Dustin Carter contracted a rare blood disease that ultimately claimed his limbs - all four of them. He grew into a straight "F" student, until one day, he discovered wrestling:Until eighth g...

Klutzes Need Not Apply! Office Designed For the Non-Clumsy Workers Only

Look closely at this Tokyo office above: it's designed with partitions that you have to step over like in a submarine! I can only think of one reason they made it that way: to weed out the klutzy employees!

The Ice Man that Baffled Scientists With His Ability to Withstand Fatally Freezing Conditions

According to scientists, Wim Hof should be dead for doing the following: running a half-marathon in the Arctic Circle in his bare feet, climbing the Everest in his shorts, and diving under the ice at the North Pole.Here'...

Bookseat by Fishbol

The bibliophile in me love this simple yet inviting "Bookseat" by design firm fishbol (but I certainly don't love the auto-play music on their website's homepage) - via MoCo Loco...

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