Henry the hexapus superhero (only with less sucking power!)

Neatorama likes weird animals with strange appendages such as the two tailed lizard , the two faced swine, and even hybrids such as the octosquid.  It helps create identities for future comic superheroes in the least, not to mention the 2-for-1 deal you get when you order a meal at The Frying Dutchman. But what happens when nature works in the opposite direction?

There's definitely something at the bottom of the Blackpool sea life center in England, purporting to house the first ever hexapus in existence. This is no octopus who came to an unfortunate accident rather, Henry's appearance is attributed to a birth defect in which only six of the eight tentacles were created, during embryonic development.

The question now remains if Henry still has the potential to be a superhero or a diner's surprise?

BBC link or via Zooillogix

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Zing Pudifoot!

I wonder if Henry has any sort of anxieties about his physique. Should creatures of his ilk be encouraged to embrace their uniqueness or would restorative surgery to look like his friends be the best course of action?
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