Tongue Piercing, Sponsored by Coke Zero


Old and Busted: paying for piercing as an outlet of expression of individuality, art, and protest against the man!

The New Hotness: getting free piercing in exchange of turning one's tongue into a billboard for big corporations. ¡Viva La Multinacional Corporación!

Coke Zero's throwing weight behind tongue-piercing parlors in Brazil. Seriously.

Shops in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Salvador are giving free piercings to people that agree to take a picture with a fresh new Coke Zero stud. Coke's calling the concept advertasting.

Link | Gallery (Photo: Lingua Patrocinada [Picasa]) - Thanks MrManson!

How do they expect people to actually read what's on your tongue? They'd have to be pretty large ads to be seen from any distance.
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yea your tongue swells, but you don't notice anything until the next day when your mouth is full of tongue. i just hope that after the participants got pierced, coke gave them a hefty supply of drink, as that will be the only thing they will be able to eat for the next three weeks.
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Yay...I got my tongue dun 2 days ago (march 2nd)my friends uncle (hu is a body piercer) dun ours and also dun her sisters belly button.... I went first outa all 3 of us n im stil in shock coz it dnt hurt at all! i did buy my own numbing stuff called seda lotion and that helped a bit. It's stil swallown heaps and I got a lisp hahaha but im stil proud that I had the guts 2 get it dun i thought my mutha wuld neva let me get it dun coz im onli 16 hehe
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