Archive for February 29th, 2008

Do Microbes Make Snow?

Microbiologists Brent Christner at Louisiana State University and his colleagues sampled snow from various parts of the world and found this microbe, Pseudomonas syringae, over and over again.What's interesting...

Christopher Berg's Maze Art

I'm awed by Christopher Berg's ability of turning ordinary pictures into ah-maze-ing piece of art. Here is a giant maze shaped like The Colosseum.Many more at his website: Link...

Rescued "Bird Boy" Can't Talk, Only Chirps

Recently, Russian social workers rescued a 7-year-old boy who has been raised as a pet bird by his mother. The boy was found in a tiny two-bedroom apartment filled with cages of birds.He's called "bird boy" by...

Fish Woos Mate with Electricity

Photo: Dmitriy KrichevskiyBirds do it, bees do it, but this Amazon basin fish do it with 'lectricity! The nocturnal (and toothless) gymnotiform fish attract the opposite sex and intimidate rivals by amping up their elect...

Tooth Implant Restored Man's Vision

Rob McNichol lost his sight in a work-place accident, when liquid aluminum exploded in his face several years ago. But now, thanks to his son's tooth, he can see again. Here's the story of a strange medical procedure cal...

The Cart Whisperer

Liberty Fillmore is dedicating his life to ending the plight of abandoned shopping carts. Yes, indeed, he is the car whisperer ... See him in action here: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | official website: No More Aba...

Tongue Piercing, Sponsored by Coke Zero

Old and Busted: paying for piercing as an outlet of expression of individuality, art, and protest against the man!The New Hotness: getting free piercing in exchange of turning one's tong...

Six Houses Guaranteed to Make Yours Look Puny

I've been roaming across the States the past few weeks – spent a few days in Boston/Providence and a few days in L.A. Although they're on opposite coasts, the two locations do have one thing in common: residences...

Stuff White People Like, the Blog

Now this is the blog that tells it like it is. If you need insight on what white people like, that is. For example: #71 Being the only white person aroundIn most situations, white people are...

The Pneumatic Subway

The first subway in America was not a train, but a pneumatic people mover! Opening for business in 1870, the subway worked on the same principle as the pneumatic tubes we use at a drive-through bank. Giant fans at eith...

Stop Junk Mail? That’ll cost you!

The Consumerist reports that a customer who requested Comcast cable to stop sending direct mailers found a $1.99 “change of service” fee on his bill. I had in fact called Comcast a few weeks earlier and asked t...

Pulling Down a Palm Tree

(Live Leak link) Maybe they just didn’t have enough cable. Or an axe. Or sense. -via Arbroath...

House in the Clouds

The House in the Clouds was originally a water tower! The house was built around a water tank in 1923 to make it look less ugly. It served the Suffolk neighborhood until 1977, and the tank was removed in 1979. It’s n...

Trivia: Snooze!

More than a third of American adults hit the snooze button every morning an average of 3X.The "snooziest" group is the 25 to 34-year-olds: 57% of them hit the snooze button. Compare this to seniors: only 10% of...

16 Year Old Girl Want to Leave Home for Lover, What Should Loving Parents Do?

Daughter: I'm sixteen and I can do what I want. I'm leaving home with my 36-year-old lover.Do the parents:A) Tell her "no, you're only sixteen" then call the cops on the guy.B) Kick the ungrateful teenager out...

The Color of #C0FFEE

This is probably something only web geeks can appreciate: what are the colors of coffee in l33tspeak when applied to hex values in photoshop? Andrew Huff of Me3dia Blog did the work to find out (too bad #C0FFEE isn't bro...

1 in 100 American Adults is Behind Bars

It's finally here. For the first time in history, 1 in 100 American adults is behind bars:Nationwide, the prison population grew by 25,000 last year, bringing it to almost 1.6 million. Another 723,000 people are in l...

Capgras Delusion and Other Strange Phenomena of the Mind

The List Universe has a neat countdown of the top 10 strange phenomena of the mind. For example:3. Capgras DelusionCapgras delusion is the phenomenon in which a person believes that a close...

Tree Jewelry

I can't decide whether this is serious or just cheeky fun, but here goes:When was the last time your favorite tree demanded anything from you? Attention? Conversation? Compliments?Surprise that oak, that map...

America's Most Sinful Cities

Forbes has posted their list of America's Most Sinful Cities, organized by the categories of the seven deadly sins. For instance, take sloth. Here's America's Most Sedentary City:Memphis, Tenn.Rank: 1*/strong...

The Bacon Cup

After seeing the bacon mat, this idea was so obvious that I was surprised it didn't come about sooner. Behold, the bacon cup!Megan Reardon of Not Martha blog has the recipe: Link - via metafilter//I don't know why she ev...

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