Enturbulation.org (a website dedicated to expose Scientology) user dr3k just uploaded some scans of a 1934 German book "Scientologie" that appeared to be the inspiration of L. Ron Hubbard's Church of Scientology.
http://forums.enturbulation.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4829 - via Boing Boing
For real info on Scientology you can go here: www.scientology.org There are some good links as to the true development of the religion and other interesting information at the site.
My impression is that Hubbard didn't come up with scientology all by himself. It is rather obvious that this and similar works predate his interpretation of scientology. I mean, just look at the title of the book.
If you want to show me otherwise, please come up with some arguments.
No dumping everyone in volcanoes for some reason this time, promise!
This is the original forum that this recently came up on:
Significant facts:
1) There is no reason to believe that Hubbard had a level of fluency in German in 1934 that he could have come close to reading a complex technical text on epistemology in that language. Besides that Hubbard was a lazy S.O.B., unlikely to put much intellectual effort into the study, and reading this would have been a quite daunting intellectual task.
2) The McPheeters translation was done with an agenda (by an ex-Scientologist), and apparently was intentionally mistranslated to make it appear that it contained Scientology terms and ideas that were never in the original. A subsequent more literal and accurate translation was done - in it the apparent parallels were not found.
There's more here:
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
C'mon Tim, before it's too late, convert to Pastafarianism. It'll make you look quite a bit more normal to sane people.
I can sense the wrath wreaking already.
And you side with which?
All I could think of was : When do we eat? [aka boooring]
Some people really don't have problems to pay their mortgage. Too much time to think.
While I understand that Scientologists are the "only ones" who can help, per Tom Cruise, many thousands of non-believers tried to anyway that day.
Oh, and the term "9/11" is a registered trademark of the Giuliani presidential campaign. Use of said term for political gain by outside parties could result in legal action.
Just sayin.
We've known Tim is a scientologist for a while - he always blames everything on psychiatry, as any good follower should.
The "Yellow Jackets" are Scientologists' answer to any sort of disaster. They swoop in to "help out", in order to get some exposure as doing good deeds. 9/11 was a big photo op for Scientology.
How about www.xenu.net - Operation Clambake - for another take on the history of Scientology, and some "interesting information"?
As for this, I think it's a fake - some jokester's weak attempt to discredit an unoriginal hack writer by saying he borrowed most of his material, and maybe imply Nazi connections.
(scientologists that is... not those brain-sucking aliens >.>)