Photo: SkyTruth
Bottom trawling for fish is so destructive to marine environment that its plume can be seen from space!
"Bottom trawling is the most destructive of any actions that humans conduct in the ocean," said zoologist Les Watling of the University of Hawaii. "Ten years ago, Elliott Norse (of the Marine Conservation Biology Institute) and I calculated that, each year, worldwide, bottom trawlers drag an area equivalent to twice the lower 48 states. Most of that trawling happens in deep waters, out of sight. But now we can more clearly envision what trawling impacts down there by looking at the sediment plumes that are shallow enough for us to see from satellites."
Link - via Treehugger
Hopefully soon the world just purge's us all. It's for the better. We'd sooner see the planet lifeless and cold with our wallets full of greenbacks rather than excersise caution and balance our needs with the planets / other inhabitants.
Every generation seems to get worse. Technology. Heh.
On a per capita basis, since the dawn of the industrial revolution, we have made decent strides in improving our environmental impact. But we still must do much more to improve and much faster. Technology is what allowed us to visualize the damage of this horrid practice. Hopefully it will help spur change just like the picture of Earth on the way to the moon from Apollo helped jumpstart the environmental movement.
I'm not so sure. As wealth spreads and more people consume goods beyond subsistence, I would bet that we are impacting our environment more on a per capita basis.
"A true conservationist would make their own paper by hand from an environmentally friendly plant like hemp and then . . ."
I don't think sustainability requires a planet full of Ted Kazinskis. It probably does require fewer than 6.5 billion humans though.
We are the most numerous mammal on earth. More than any species of rat or bat. I'm happy to be here, and thrilled to be living in the 99% percentile, but it won't last.
Of course, on the flipside I love ocean fish. I love tuna and salmon. If it is either my diet or the welfare of the world I think I could abstain.