Restaurant Bill Has Nasty Surprise


After Clare Watkins complained about poor service at a restaurant in Staffordshire, England, she got quite a nasty surprise when she saw the bill:

Ms Watkin said: "I couldn't believe it. The bill read 'fish cakes', which one of us had for a starter, and it was written right above it - absolutely disgusting language. [...]

Joe Delucci's owner Mr Langsdon said the message had been meant to be seen only by kitchen staff and he did not know how it ended up as an item on the receipt.

He said: "That shouldn't come out on the bill, so we've got to find out what's gone wrong there.

Wait, wait, so the owner copped to having the obscene item in the computer system! If that is on the bill, I wonder what goes into their food ... Link - via One Large Prawn

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Working in a hotel we have a couple of areas to write notes about the guests. Usually it is things like

"CC XXXX1006 for guarantee only"
"Guest requests quiet room"
"Will want rollaway"

But sometimes we end up with messages that say

"Guest is a pain!!!! Watch out!!!!"
"Guest yells frequently"

People never see it, they couldn't. It doesn't happen very often and in the case of a hotel, it helps other front desk clerks stay aware of troublesome guests.
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Last week I went in a restaurant where the waiter was ordering everything from memory. By the dumb look on his face, I had the feeling it was not right, so I said "wow, you're good, you're not taking the order on a paper, you must have a good memory...*hint*hint*" His answer was his dumb look again.
Guess what? He messed up the order. We had to return some food.
I think he put the same message in the system but he messed up ;)
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