Husband's "Rollicking" Woke Up Woman From Coma

Yvonne Sullivan, 28, fell into a coma during childbirth (after hearing that her newborn son died during a traumatic birth).

Weeks later, after doctors told her husband that they might have to switch off her lifesupport machine, her husband managed to waken her up with some "rollicking."

Her husband Dominic said:

"When the doctors told me to think about turning off the life support I got angry," he added. "I grabbed her hand and began shouting at her. I gave her a bloody good rollicking. I'd already had to explain to Ryan that his brother Clinton had died, and that his mummy might not survive. He said he'd be cross with the doctors if they let mummy go to heaven. I kept telling her to pull through. Then I left the room to get some air.

"I came back two hours later and she had started to breath. It was incredible. Sometimes you find powers you just didn't know you had.

Link - via Liberal Avenger (who, like me, thought "rollicking" meant something else completely!)

Yeah, not as fun as what I thought rollicking meant.

Thought maybe he was going for one last kick at the can, and woke her up mid-boink.
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I think it may be a bad sign that I read that as rickrolling! I think I may now have to exit the internet.

Rollicking: telling-off, shouting at, scolding
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So she was in a coma from phycological shock of hearing that her baby had died. That's freaky. Glad it had a good ending for her. That's sad about the newborn though.
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i've always got the impression that rollicking was a politer way of saying bollocking, which means the same thing in britain.

i guess you guys have bollocks in the US right, (pardon the phrasing)
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Badly written piece. At first, they say that she fell into a coma after being told about her baby's death, making it sound like she fell into a swoon (what is this, the 1890s?). Bad news doesn't generally put you on life support, unless there's some other problem. The blood poisoning probably had more to do with her coma, and she might've been comatose whether she'd been told her baby had died or not.
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