Archive for February 22nd, 2008

Storm Field and Other Strangely Named TV Weathermen

Listgasm has a neat list of the 20 most strangely named real weathermen (and weatherwomen). Take this one above for instance. His name is Storm Field, and he's a meteorologist for WWOR New Jersey.Link - Thanks ryanr!...

Stealthdesk Computer Desk and Case Mod

Neatorama reader Chris Samson wrote to us about stealthdesk, his senior project for high school for design and technology:... essentially its a desk that i made, then i put the computer in a drawer and enclosed a 22&...

Tetrice: Tetris Ice Tray

Czech designer Martin Žampach created Tetrice, a silicone ice tray that makes ice cubes in the shape of Tetris blocks. - via Fubiz, thanks Fred!...

Natural Fashion of African Tribes

The urge to make oneself beautiful by make up and fashion is a pretty universal one. For his book "Natural Fashion: Tribal Decoration from Africa," Hans Silvester of Rapho/Camera Press captured these stunning &...

Inside Out Stuffed Bears by Kent Rogowski

In his book, titled simply "Bears," Kent Rogowski took photos of stuffed bears that have been turned inside out.While browsing his website, I ran across a list of comments that his visitors had left him. I find...

Andrea Mastrovito's Tissue Paper Art

In her art series "Black Bag - American Philosophy of Composition," Italian artist Andrea Mastrovito created artwork out of ... tissue paper pinned to a board!The Foley Gallery has more: http://www.fol...

Stuff Mart and Other Ill-Advised Business Names

A few days ago, our pal mental_floss blog put up this epic Ill-Advised Business Names post, filled with photos of bad business names as taken by the blog's readers. I quite like this particular one: Stuff Mart. It's kind...

A 1943 Guide to Hiring Women

Contrariwise Rambling blog has a scan of an excerpt of the July 1943 issue of Transportation Magazine on how to hire women, as written for male supervisors of women in the work force during WWII.For example:1. Pick y...

Make-My-Own-Monster Design Kit

If your kid can draw it, FAO Schwarz and the North American Bear Co. can make it. A custom "build-a-monster" kit is only $249 - but hey, nothing's too good for your kid, right?Make-My-Own-Monster Design Kit...

Edible iPhone

For her friend's birthday, Britta Peterson baked this awesome edible iPhone from modeling chocolate.Here's a build log on how the Edible iPhone was made: Link - Thanks Ian Dahlberg!In other news, I'm still eatin...

Oddest Book Titles

This year is the 30th anniversary of the Diagram Prize for the oddest book title of the year. The finalists for the annual award have been announced by The Bookseller. They are: I Was Tortured By the Pygmy Love Quee...

Karate Chop in Slow Motion

(YouTube link) If you watch this karate chop shown slowly enough to really see what happens, you may decide not to take up martial arts. -via Cynical-C...

The Glowworm Cave

Photo: milkthebasic [Flickr]Fogonazos blog has a very cool post about the Waitomo Glowworm Cave in New Zealand, where you can find an amazing creature called Arachnocampa luminosa, which larva glows to attract p...

How Google Got Its Logo

How could I have missed this? Last week, Wired has a very neat interview with Ruth Kedar, the graphic designer who developed the now-famous Google logo.Here's her story (with a neat gallery of prototype logos!): In j...

The Upcoming Mother of All Economic Meltdown

Nouriel Roubini, an economics professor at New York University, first predicted a US recession in July 2006 (which was a very controversial position at the time, but not today). Now, Roubini said that there's a greater r...

Autistic Girl Found Her Eloquence with a Computer

Carly Fleischmann is severely autistic and cannot speak a word to express herself ... until her parents put her in front of a computer:Two years ago, working with pictures and symbols on a computer keyboard, she star...

Strange New Species in the Antarctic Deep Waters

This is amazing: more than a mile below the surface of the Antarctic waters, scientists have discovered a world of huge worms, giant jellyfish, and spiders as big as dinner plates!"With us we had some of the wor...

How a Single Cockroach Cost 30 People Their Jobs

Here's a truly bizarre story of how a single cockroach put 30 people out of work in Turkmenistan: For the viewers of Turkmenistan's popular nightly news programme, Vatan, it was another routine bulletin. But as the n...

Quote: Oscar Wilde on Gossip

"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." - Oscar Wilde, poet and author (1854 - 1900)...

Five Hospitals You Don't Want to Check Into

Avid I Met a Possum readers (Hi mom and Jennifer!) already know that a few friends and I took it upon ourselves to investigate the Lizzie Borden house in Fall River, Mass., last weekend. We had such a blast that we've d...

79 Years of Best Picture Winners in Posters

The Oscars will be awarded this Sunday night, for the 80th time. Movie Poster Addict has compiled all 79 posters for movies that have won Best Picture at the Academy Awards. I’m sorry to say that I have only seen 39...

Make your own Weird Light Bulb

You’ve probably seen the Lamp/Lamp from designer Hironao Tsubui. It sells for ¥2,100, or about $20. But you can make your own version with a steady hand and the proper glue! -via t...

A Very Blue Building

That’s about as blue as a building can get. The borough of Delfshaven, Rotterdam, asked Schildersbedrijf N&F Hijnen to come up with a plan for a block of derelict buildings, which will eventually be demolished....

Interview with Shepard Fairey, Creator of "Obey Giant"

Shepard Fairey is the founder of the "André the Giant has a Posse" urban art. Since he started plastering stickers and stencils all over Charleston, South Carolina, 15 years ago, it has transformed...

Keggy the Keg

If you think about it, Keggy the Keg, the unofficial mascot of Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, is hands down the most relevant mascot in college sports.Keggy is perenially ranked as among Dartmouth's finest...

Drive-thru Songs

The next time you order at the drive-thru, don't just say what you want ... sing it!Say No to Crack has an enjoyable list of the Top 5 Drivethru Songs:So apparently some people have enough spare time on their hands i...

Testing the American Dream: The Homeless Experiment

Is the American dream still alive? Can a person lift himself up by the bootstrap out of homelessness and earn a living - nay, even prosper - in this country?Adam Shepard put it to the test:Alone on a dark gritty stre...

Geeky Cufflinks

GeekAlerts has a neat post showing the Top 10 Geek Cufflinks from Cuff 'N' Collars. The compass and thermometer set is both beautiful and functional!Link | Also check out the Stormtrooper cufflinks...

Government Regulation Adds Hundreds of Thousands in Housing Price

Ever wonder why home prices are so high? Is it simply because of appreciation in real estate values? Well, at least in Seattle, Washington, there is another factor: government regulation. Theo Eicher, an economics profes...

What Are The Odds Of Dying From ...

The National Safety Council has compiled a morbidly fascinating statistics about the odds of dying from or being killed by a specific incident such as a lighting strike, drowning in a bathtub, cataclysmic storm and so fo...


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