Back in 2006, Police officer Henry Gabaldon and a fellow officer went to Burger King while on duty and got a Whopper of a meal: their burgers were laced with pot. The two men who, um, tampered with the burgers pled guity and just got sentenced ... to probation.
Was justice served? Should the judge have sent the two pranksters to jail?
Here's the story: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Holy Taco
1) Burger King employees usually cant afford to throw away weed (which mostly is the most expensive herb in the world per lb., unless it's schwag which it probably was)
2) The obese police officer would NOT have died unless he was laughing too hard and had a heart attack.
3) Judge John Pope looks like Dumbledork.
4) The police officer was crying over the ordeal - and he actually talked like a stoner.
Oh and that judge looks like a stoner, hence such a lenient punishment ;)
Maybe it will teach him to do his job rather than spending time on duty in Burger King. Then maybe he could drop a few pounds and be able to run down a perp or two.
BTW, can anyone else see the face in the sesame seeds on the burger at the beginning of the report?
I saw the face in the seeds, WTF?
If you want to make a living enforcing ridiculous speed limits and generally doing taxation through ticketing then you deserve whatever you get. Maybe he'll keep that in mind the next time he's giving a 20 minute lecture to someone doing 30 in a 25.
What a sniveling fat turd.
He doesn't set the speed limits, he just enforces them. Nobody likes a cop who gives a 20 minute lecture, but what makes you think this is such a cop? This could be the guy that you call when someone is trying to rape your mother, you know, the guy who is willing to risk taking a bullet when you run sniveling and call 911. And just because you don't like someone doesn't give you the right to put what you want in their food. Bullies surely are a form of human pestilence, but losers who claim they are dispensing some sort of vigilantism by messing with people's food surely rank very high as far as human pestilence goes, and deserve to be force-fed the excrement of their victims.
Moodindigo: as with any other job, police officers take lunch breaks.
But fer chrissakes, it's a JOKE!
As for Burger King employees not being able to afford to waste pot, that's very true. But an ounce of pot is $50-100. Seeing a cop get high for reasons completely unknown to them is just not $100 worth of funny, that's for sure.
But I do know one thing. These cops are being trained in some kind of magical world where they think pot will ruin peoples' lives. Regardless of what that cop said, there was a very, VERY minuscule chance that he or his fellow officer could have died or killed anyone that evening. There are several reasons why. First, pot has never killed anyone. Secondly, most drug related car accidents that involve pot are in combination with other drugs. The strongest point on this, though, that marijuana has a highly recognizable high, whether you've smoked before or not. If you feel weird or tired or sick on the road, you pull over and you decide not to use a firearm. The only reason anyone ever drives while high on pot is because they intended to. Pot does not rob you of consciousness or cause you to hallucinate. I hate having to break this to people.
NiteWhite- dumbledork, perfect lmao.
So the cop is driving down the street and starts having strange and unfamiliar feelings from the weed. He has no idea its weed. He has no idea whats going on, for all he knows its PCP or a stroke. I can see how this would be a frightening experience. He's a victim, and the justice system didn't recognize it. He has a right to be a little choked up.
Those punks are lucky he didn't step back in the kitchen and crush their faces with handle of his revolver. You don't mess with another man's food, punks.
To all you filth who say "that's what you gotta expect, being a cop". Remember that when your sister is being raped, or when someone beats you up and steals your weed. If the cop says to you "you're nothing but a burger flippin' loser w/ authority issues, tough luck", then hey, thats what ya gotta expect, being a vermin.
Probation is not a slap on the wrist. Only people who have never been on probation would consider it as such. Those kids are not free. Their movement is restricted and they will most likely be drug tested. They will also have to make monthly visits to see their probation officers and pay a fee each time. Their PO has the right to show up at their house any time he wants and to search the premises. Their carefree stoner days of watching Futurama and ordering pizza are over.