Whites to be a Minority in 2050


According to the latest analysis by the Pew Research Center, non-Hispanic white people will become a minority in 2050!

If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their U.S.-born descendants, according to new projections developed by the Pew Research Center.

The Latino population, already the nation's largest minority group, will triple in size and will account for most of the nation's population growth from 2005 through 2050. Hispanics will make up 29% of the U.S. population in 2050, compared with 14% in 2005.

The non Hispanic white population will increase more slowly than other racial and ethnic groups; whites will become a minority (47%) by 2050.


Wait. How is 47% a minority? Which group will be /higher/ than 47%?

Seems to me it's less a plurality than now, but 'minority' is a pretty strong stretch.

If Hispanics make up 29%, and whites make up 47%, that is 73% between them, leaving only 25% for 'other' groups

Nope. Not a minority when you still outnumber the rest of the groups by almost 2:1. x.x
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I'm pretty sure it will happen in England sooner.
In some parts of London, whites already are a minority. And racism against black people/asians/multi-racial people is not allowed, but white people are discriminated against all the time.
I think history is going to repeat on itself, only this time, it will be whites who are repressed.
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Racism is such a primitive phobia that I am amazed it still exist today.

An organism at war with itself is doomed. We're all humans. What's so hard to understand?

More immigrants means more diversity and having more options can't be a bad thing.
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Plus, the word "minority" in reference to Latinos, Blacks, women, homosexuals, etc... doesn't refer to the NUMBER of people but how much socio political power they have. So even though whites might be a "minority" at 47% they will never be a minority in terms of socio-political and economic power.
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Non-hispanic whites are already a minority. Oh, wait, you mean "in the United States."

Well, I've got news for you. Non-hispanic whites are *still* already a minority in some parts of the US.

Big deal.
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Whites will never be a minority as long as they are classified by others solely on the basis of their skin color. There is a marked difference between Latin people, Slavs, Nordic people, and Celts. There is no "white" race.
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That sign is meant for humor.. Stop reading into it and thinking it's offensive.. Offensive to who? Are you an illegal mexican?

Don't overanalyze the sign, it's meant to be humorous which is what you people aren't getting. Whether it's accurate on who can make burritos is not the point.. It's a sign, a funny sign.. NOT to be taken too seriously.
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@Meg & Jamie: 47% is a minority because it's less than 50%. All the other groups are counted together, so they make up the other 53%. But if white folks comprise 47% of the population, they're still the largest single group.

It's already like that in our area. The white people make up less than 50% of the population. A variety of ethnic groups make up the rest... but none of those groups on its own is as large as the white population... yet.
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How can you be offended by that sign? It's hilarious. I think it's just commentary on all the things latinos have brought to US culture. Ever seen the movie "A Day Without a Mexican"?
But I hate articles like this- for some reason it brings to mind War of the Worlds. Some dooming voice over a loud speaker saying we are under attack. Except instead of aliens its "oh no the brown people are coming!!" Like the idea of less white folk is supposed to shake people.
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I taught mainly immigrant Latino children for years, and almost all of them said they planned to have no more than one or two children. Many of my former students have no children at all. They want a better life for themselves and their children (if they have them), and realize that a family with many children has fewer resources per child.
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burritos may have been brought here by immigrants, but chipotle will make sure ameri-mexican cuisine continues to flourish, regardless of who's working the kitchen. sorry, dude with the sign. once america steals a good idea, it makes sure the idea stays.

i agree with acc: let's just hope that "race" isn't much of an issue by 2050. but the only way that could happen is to spread your knowledge that race doesn't matter to your children. we are smart people, and i truly believe that racism could be something of the past by the time our children are running this country.
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Ah, so what? America is only America if the Whites are in the majority?

Surely if all these "immigrants" become citizens then it'll still be the USA?

I fail to see where the story is here?

English as a minority language? Wasn't english , and Dutch, minority languages right up until your forebears killed as many Indians (old definition) as they could?

Do you think that the future US Presidente, will come down so hard on the Mexicans? Or Will she just be a bit frosty to her parents if they start busting her baqlls?

This is my favourite axe. It's had 3 handles and 2 heads. This is my favourite axe.
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I love the idea that America will truly be a racial melting pot, but if we're not speaking the same language and sharing the same values (love of freedom and individual rights), nothing will bond us and we won't endure as a nation.
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It is one thing if immigrants come to the U.S. and speak the language and adapt to our culture. But that is not the case. They come here and refuse to speak English. If the are so proud of their own language and culture then why the hell don't they go back to where they came from and leave our country alone??!! I will even help pay for they plane ticket.
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Marie... AGREED. If these immagrents countries are so great then go back! We need to get serious about immigration and close the gates! Im sick of seeing foriegn flags everywhere. THIS IS AMERICA PEOPLE. Like I said... If you are so proud of your country then leave mine. Illigals should be deported. Period. They are breaking our laws! WAKE UP WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!
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Seeing that currently whites are 75 percent of the population, and the study that came out saying whites will be the minority around 2042…. do not be supprised to see the current leaders, which are old white men, take advantage of the problems in the former Soviet States i.e. the current events in Georgia, and allow the flood gates to open to immigration to the U.S. from these regions. Check out the olympics site on yahoo, it gives the populations of all the countries, and when you look at all the former Soviet State, they have tens of millions of people in little countries the size of South Carolina, they obviously reproduce at rates three times higher than mexicans… And they too work for slave wages. The U.S. let in Europeans (Scotts, Irish, Germans, Italians) in the late 1800s to the early 1900’s. The Census report did not account for that but I bet you those in power have recently had the crapp scared out of them with that latest Census report and are right now trying to figure out a way to both stop increase of Mexicans comming in and increase the white population. Allowing former Soviet peoples in by means of political asylum etc… Currently their are 100,000 displaced Geogians due to Russian Occupation that has no intention of leaving… where do they go??? Welcome to the United States of America
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hahahahahha white will be a minority great about time is time for us latino to run this country and that will happen when all latino living in the usa can vote fuck white power im dont give a fuck if they call me a spic the only wetbacks are white americans they all came here from ireland and scotland you all now should go back there and take niggers with you lolololol
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they call mexican wetbacks and all that but california arizona new mexico and texas were all part of mexico long time ago and the first people living in thoses state were mexicans so you all racist fuck can go to hell we takin back our land we never sell our land they make us sell to them
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I'm a 24 year old Hispanic man... I hope to be alive when the day Blacks & Browns are no longer labeled "Minorities". It's going to be a something special!
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