Archive for February 13th, 2008

Tentacle Body Mod

Whoa! Those are tentacle suction-cup implant done by Dark Freak at Luck All in São Paulo, Brasil. Found at the always mindboggling ModBlog - via Albotas, thanks robby!...

Greatest toy pack of all time

I really need to start frequenting flea markets. Now this is a super team: "Spiderman 3" (with baseball bat), Hulk (wearing a g-string), Batman (relatively accurate), and "Superman Come Back" (with super crossbow an...

Balls of Flame in Microgravity

Candle flame in (L) normal and (M) low gravity. Floating flame balls in microgravity (R)What does a candle flame look like in microgravity? In 2002, NASA did the experiment and found out that flames do strange things in...

Klein Bottle House

Photo: John GollingsBehold the Klein Bottle House by Australian architects McBride Charles Ryan. What is a Klein Bottle?For us right-brain thinkers; in Mathematics, the “Klein Bottle” is a non-orientable...

Gorillas Also Mate Face to Face

Scientists have always thought that humans and the Bonobo are the two primate species that mate face to face. Well, they've just been proven wrong. Thomas Breuer of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology...

Hawaii Chair Rawks Your World!

Tttthhhhhhiisss HHhhaawwaiiiii Chaaairrr iiisss ssupRRrrr Aaawawwsosommee !1!! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | Hawaii Chair website [autostart videoclip w/ sound] - Thanks Lee!...

Engrish ABC Picture Blocks

Emily and Joshua of peer-see blog found the reason why Engrish is so prevalent in China: the poor Chinese kids never had a chance to begin with! Just look at these ABC picture blocks they used to teach English.Link (The...

Darwinian Valentine's Day Card and Pick Up Lines

Can't wait for this year's Darwinian Valentine's Day Card Contest at Skepchick blog! Last year, they did a top 10 Best Darwinian Pick-up Lines, for example:10. Trust me Baby, my selection is ALL natural!9. Why don't...

Australia (Finally) Apologized to the Aborigines

The government of Australia had just reversed course and apologized to the Aborigines for laws and policies that "inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss."In a motion passed unanimously by Australian M...

Samurai Dog Armor

Pink Tentacle reports:This suit of dog armor — identified by antique Japanese armor dealer Toraba.Com as the only known and certified authentic example of its kind — is believed to have been created for the pet o...

If I were Columbo I'd Peter Falk her

Yeah, yeah, yeah - it's three weeks old... It's still probably the funniest American Idol audition of all time, however. 32-year old Paul Marturano sings a brilliant song about his love for American Idol judge Paula...

"The Tales of Beedle the Bard," J.K. Rowling's Book of Handwritten Fairy Tales

In December, 2007, purchased one of only seven copies of the book in exsistence. From their site: Amazon has purchased J.K. Rowling’s The Tales of Beedle the Bard at an auction held by Sothebyâ...

Cat vs. Raccoon

(YouTube link) It’s interesting to see the strategies different species use to operate. Cat: Back off or I’ll fight! I’m warning you! Raccoon: I don’t know anything about...

The Genovese Syndrome: When Nobody Helps

The following is reprinted from Bathroom Reader Plunges Into History AgainThe stabbing of Kitty Genovese lasted 50 minutes was witnessed by 38 people. Surely someone would pick up the phone and call th...

Caecilian Youngs Eat Their Mother's Skin Alive

A caecilian's motherly love knows no bound, as a team of BBC crew recently discovered. The female worm-like amphibian allows her young to peel off and eat her skin!The female caecilian's skin becomes thicker and more...

World's Smallest Bodybuilder

Meet Aditya "Romeo" Dev, who at just 2 ft 9 in. (0.84 m) is the world's smallest bodybuilder:Pint-sized Romeo is well-known in his hometown of Phagwara, India - for his ability to lift 1.5kg dumbbells - des...

What NOT to Call Your Furniture Store

Found at Flickr user skootter01, who wrote:In Korea you can see some strange signs, and this is one of the funniest I've seen. This little shop is located along a little street full of furniture stores in Uijeongbu,...

Quote: Henry Kissinger on Politicians

"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation." - Henry Kissinger, diplomat (b. 1923)...

Ethiopian Roses

Many of the Valentines Day roses presented in Europe are grown in Ethiopia. Over 100,000 roses are exported each day! And the custom of giving flowers is catching on domestically. Floriculture is one of Ethiopia’s fast...

The Origins of Your Favorite Video Game Friends

Read the stories behind the development of classic videogame characters Donkey Kong, Mario, Sonic, and of course Pac-Man. Japanese game designer Toru Iwatani was 26 when he invented the timeless masterpiece. In th...

The Tiniest Pterosaur

A beautifully preserved fossil of a tiny pterosaur has been discovered in China. And he’s just plain adorable! The new fossil, which was discovered in 2004 in western Liaoning province, China, is about 120 millio...

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