Archive for February 12th, 2008

Neatest Science Valentine: You're More Special Than Relativity

ZOMG, this is my most favoritest Valentine EVAR! It's made by Chris of Jack of Science blog. Read the rest of his creations and weep: Link - Thanks Chris!Previously on Neatorama: Geeky Science Valentines | Scien...

The Hundred Grand Dollar Bill

That's the highest denomination dollar bill ever printed. Well, actually it's a not a dollar bill, it's a gold certificate:What's a gold certificate? Well a gold certificate is money that the government prints that o...

Bureau of Communication's Declaration of Romantic Intent

From the same folks that did the Dharma Initiative Rations featured on Neatorama way back when, here is the Bureau of Communication's web forms you can email:The Bureau of Communication has a collection of old-fashio...

The Wheels on the Bus Cartoons by Eyelander

Ottawa-based artist Eyelander rides the bus and has been drawing the faces of commuters for the past five years. I think I've met some of these people, even though I've never set foot in Ottawa!

Hillary for Obama, the Axe Effect Ad

Those oh-so-clever ad people made me chuckle with this ad for Axe, the deodorant and body spray that supposedly made men irresistible. Found at Hobson's Choice - Thanks Tory Hobson!...

Peace Sign Turns 50

The Peace Sign, one of the most widely known symbols in the world, was first designed and drawn on home-made banners and badges in London, England on February 21, 1958, when CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ) wa...

Super Mario Mustache Collection

30 examples of how our favorite video game character Mario would look like wearing a mustache from famous persons like Magnum, Zorro, Frank Zappa and more. Link See also: Neatorama's 10 Mario Fun Facts.*/em...

Indiana Jones 4: The Scripts that Weren’t

The Deadbolt takes a look at previously-unused Indiana Jones scripts that may or may not contain spoilers for the new movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. We just don’t know yet. Read abo...

Swimming at the edge of Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is 360 feet tall. At the top is a natural rock pool, called Devil’s Pool, where the water is relatively calm. From September to December, when the water...

The Weirdest Things Found in Sewers and Drains

Just because you can flush it down the toilet doesn’t mean it’s gone forever! In this article, Roto-Rooter lists their top five things they’ve found, and then there’s more sewer stories from all over. http://www....

l337 Eye Chart

Found at 2FlashGames Update 2/12/08: Neatorama reader Concerned Nerd told us it's from a T-shirt design on Off World Design....

Chicken Pool Trick Shot

We've seen a couple of neat pool tricks on Neatorama, but never like this: it's with a chicken!I believe the hen plays better pool than me: Link [embedded Metacafe]...

Saudi Banned the Color Red for Valentine's Day

Saudi Arabia has banned the color red for Valentine's Day! "As Muslims we shouldn't celebrate a non-Muslim celebration, especially this one that encourages immoral relations between unmarried men and women, &quo...

Recliner Sledding

Forget snowboarding, this winter's fun is all about downhill recliner sledding (skiing?)Just attach a pair of skis on to your trusty ol' La-Z-Boy recliner and hang on for dear life.Link [embedded LiveLeak]...

Amazing Armless Guitar Player

This armless guy plays guitar with his feet as he sings. I haven't found out where it was filmed. Hit Play button or follow the link below to watch the video. Link [youtube video] Update 1/12/08 by Alex: It's M...

Caption Monkey 20: Squirrel on a Tree (Well ... Two Trees)

Photo from the incomparable Cute OverloadYipee! It's time for our weekly Caption Monkey collaboration with Hobotopia - this week's caption contest prize (still) is a free Meet the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats by Adam "Ape La...

Geeky Science Valentines

Neatorama reader bean and ted lamented that there were no Pavlov and Stephen Hawking Valentine in the Scientist Valentine post. So, because I love you Neatoramaholics, I made 'em just for you (Yes, thes...

When Mr. Yahoo Serious Sued Yahoo! (And Other Great but Odd Personal Names)

Oddee has a neat post about the 15 Craziest Personal Names. This one's my favorite:Yahoo Serious (1953 - ), originally known as Greg Pead (name-change by deed poll in 1980), is an Australian film actor and director....

Jumpin' Armadillos! (Literally)

I don't know where Gail of Scribal Terror blog gets her stuff, but this one is priceless: In the southeastern USA, there are a lot of nine-banded armadillos killed by cars.At first, it was thought it was because they got...

Yoda Cookie

Photo: Zoe's SweetsThis awesome Yoda cookie Zoë Lukas created. You too order can from her, hrmmm?Link (Zoe's order info within) - via GeekAlerts...

Wait (Maybe Forever) For Mr. Right or Settle with Mr. Good Enough?

Here's an interesting article by Lori Gottlieb for The Atlantic about waiting for Mr. Right (and run the risk of him never showing up) or settling down with Mr. Good Enough:Of course, we’d be loath to admit it...

Super Punch Free T-Shirt/iPod Skin Contest

Our pal john at the super awesome Super Punch blog is having a (super easy) contest: you can win a free t-shirt or iPod skins featuring a dragon artwork by Jeff Wood.Here's what you have to do: 1. Go to The Faded Line Cl...

Bizarro: Tunnel of Love, Before and After

This Bizarro comic panel hits it too close to home ... too close ... For more Bizarro, check out Dan Piraro's website and blog....

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