Amelia: Amazing Ballet by La La La Human Steps


Amelia is a 2002 dance film by Edouard Lock - the dance routine is astoudingly fast. It is simply a technical tour de force.

The dancers are from Montreal dance company La La La Human Steps, the music is composed of Lou Reed lyrics with music by David Lang (a major contributor to the score for Requiem for a Dream) and the wooden stage was created just for this piece.

The award-winning movie is available from Opus Arte. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Jhayne!

oh my god! thank you so much lol, i seen this on channel four and i forgot the name, and even what year it was i seen it, ive been searching for it ever since, u r my saviour! ^^
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Very impressive... one of my favorite Neatorama pieces.
I've been coming here a couple years, and this is one, would make my top 10.

Now if ballet was like this, there'd be no having to talk me into going to watch it with my wife.
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I honestly don't mean to be condescending, but: You didn't know about La La La Human Steps?!

Edouard Lock has been creating these amazing dance pieces since the 1980s. This one is actually quite sedate, compared to some.

Seeing Louise Lecavalier (Lock's longtime collaborator and prima donna) dancing at Canada's National Arts Centre was an experience of a lifetime for me.
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There was at least one part with the hair thing that was edited, and a few other suspicious spots. Was the film sped up at points, or was that the true speed of all their movements?

Not a big dance fan - never heard of lalala human steps - I guess I'm out of the loop.

The whole thing seemed cold and mechanical to me. Honestly, the three dudes on the treadmill video was more interesting.
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I'm so glad you chose to post my suggestion. La La La Human Steps are so artistically astounding they make me proud to be Canadian.

The troupe has collaborated with some really interesting people, too, like David Bowie, Frank Zappa, Skinny Puppy, and Einstürzende Neubauten.
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that waqs beautiful.

I have never responded to contemporary dance in any way at all, but i have tears in my eyes after watching that.

At the end she was dancing with eye movements
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that was beautiful.

I have never responded to contemporary dance in any way at all, but i have tears in my eyes after watching that.

At the end she was dancing with eye movements
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Here are some other videos by Mr Lock that happen to be floating around youtube:
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The performance was haunting. The interaction between the two dancers was very detached. I wonder how it would work with a dark background, and the man in black mask and outfit, making him essentially invisible.

They have a few brief moments of contact, but mostly his facial expression is neutral but benevolent.
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I've seen Amelia live, and it IS this fast. If I recall correctly, it's essentially about the nature of love, and the increasingly blurred divide between the human and the artificial and how that affects our ability to love and be loved. I still have the programme around somewhere, I'll see if I can find it. If I can, I'll put up a blog post and link back here.
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I love the song playing! Forgive me if this has been mentioned (and a little off topic) but is there any validity to this video of the deaf dancers?

It's amazing as well but watching these, I wondering how much of it is real or exaggerated? But beautiful, don't get me wrong!
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Wow! You weren't kidding, those moves were so amazingly fast and accurate. The female dancer must have unbelievable physical prowess to be able to dance that so well. Thanks for sharing this video!
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