All-in-One Chicken Nugget and Soda Cup

Korean fast food chain BBQ Chicken has introduced the Col-Pop, a cup that holds both food and drink. The lower part of the cup holds soda, with an attached straw. The upper part holds chicken nuggets (and other foods in South Korean restaurants). This innovation could make eating while walking or driving easier, if not safer. BBQ Chicken has outlets in New York, New Jersey, and North Carolina. -via Geek Like Me

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Good idea - the two cups must be very well insulated, but it seems they've managed to work that out while still keeping the cost down. But now I can throw in the obligatory Fat American joke about how this wouldn't work in America since upscaling it for American portion sizes would mean it would be too big to hold in one hand.
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Why don't they spend their time designing useful food packaging instead of something that's going to cost them a lot of money for no good reason? All I ask is a fry container that keeps fries from getting cold and soggy/stale within 15 minutes, and I get this abomination instead.
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