Neatorama Post No. 12345!

This is the post I've been waiting for: the 12,345th post on Neatorama! Yup - that's twelve thousand three hundred and forty five. It took about 2 and a half years to reach this point and what a great time I've had since starting this blog back in August 2005 (Big thanks to Neatorama's authors and readers!)

Thers is something I've been wanting to do, but out of fear that no one will participate, I've postponed it again and again, until today (feeling giddy and brave with #12345!)

I'd really like to know more about you, dear Neatoramanauts! Whether you're a regular commenter or just a "lurker" - please introduce yourself. You don't have to tell your real name, or offer salacious tidbits about your personal life ... just tell us a little bit about yourself. It'll be fun!

I'll go first (in the comment).

Hi guys, I'm a biochemist by training (I was a lab rat a loooong time ago), a small business owner by day and blogger by night.

Neatorama is my blog baby, but I do have a wonderful young daughter Maddy and a newly born son Zachary (we call him Ziggy). I've been married to my lovely wife Tiffany (who tenderly tolerated this blog but insisted on referring it as "Crack-O-Rama") for over 7 years, but we've been together a long time before that.

I'd tell you my favorite movie or TV show, but the truth is, since the birth of our daughter, my wife and I rarely go to the movies anymore. I don't even have time to watch TV - but at least I still read (albeit slowly now). My favorite author, right now at least, is Fredrick Forsyth - I'm trying to read all of his books.

We live in sunny Southern California and will probably be here only for a few more years. My wife and I have been wanting to move somewhere greener (and cheaper!), maybe Washington or Oregon.

If you catch a typo or grammatical error in a Neatorama post that I wrote, that's because 1) English is my second language and 2) I'm a naturally sloppy writer. Please accept this as part of Neatorama's charm (and send me an email or write a comment so I can correct the post).

Lastly, if you ever want to say hi, please email me - I'd love to hear from you! Thank you for reading Neatorama!
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Hi Alex!

Good idea for the post. It's quite a monumentous occasion! I'm a 23 year old grad student, getting my Masters in Creative Writing. I'm hopelessly addicted to neatorama, so thank you for your time and effort!!
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Really appreciate your work. I am an anonymous reader in Melbourne, Australia who never leaves messages on any site but given that I look at your site more often than most I should make the effort!. I usually have a browse on my laptop at the end of the day while I wait for my two little boys to go to sleep. Helps if I don't make eye contact with them as their batteries can have an extended life. Keep up the good work and also the diverse topics. Cheers.
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My names Zac, 20yo Graphic Design student from Sydney Australia, love your blog and have it linked on mine. I try to blog everyday but unfortunately I dont always have the time !

I work for Crumpler bags part-time here in aus ( ) and I attend Billy Blue. You can see some of my Artsy fartsy photos @ my flickr site which is also listen on my blog ( )

Love this blog, so incredibly diverse, hope you can come by and comment some of my entries sometime =)

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Hi Alex,
I'm Andy, I'm a Film Editor by trade, Huge Neatorama fan and social news bookmarking is my hobby. I also live in sunny Southern California, and we should grab a beer sometime!
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Hi, I'm a French Neatorama daily reader. I'm 37, married, 3 children, living in south of France close to the mediterranean sea.

I'm an IT manager and read Neatorama news is my first thing done on internet in the morning to give me a fresh breath to begin my work day.

My favorite movies are Dark City and Blade Runner.

The other blog I read are Make magazine, betterexplained, gizmodo and boing boing gadgets.

My gamertag on Xbox live is Prospero34 and you can find me sometimes on Catan game !
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I'm a 29 year old artist and manager at America's oldest men's clothing store. I live on a sailboat in Charleston, South Carolina where my family has lived for about 300 years.

I read neatorama for the articles.... yeah, the articles.
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My name's....up above.
I have no idea how I found this blog, but I have been seriously addicted since. It sits on my favorites bar on Firefox, where I click it when I'm bored...
I am 18 and am a freshman at the University of Minnesota. I hope to either be a chemist or a physicist....its tough to decide.

Oh, and when you posted my wiki "article" on yawning, it made my day.
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My name is Christian and I am 34 years old. I am American but have been living in Ireland for over 3 years now. My wife is from here and we will probably be here a few more years.

I used to check the Drudge Report first each day but now Neatorama is first on the list. I am obsessed really.

I write a blog myself (*shameless plug ahead and I have linked back to you here quite a few times because 80% of the stuff you write about is exactly the sort of thing I would write about.

Oh and Happy Birthday Noticedneutrino!
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Hi Alex! I'm Deyey from the Philippines. I'm also a blog writer but my works are in the vernacular (Tagalog). I am a daily reader (lurker) of your site and I just want to say congratulations on your 12,345th post. I'll be praying and waiting for your 678,910th post!!! Keep it up!
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Happy birthday noticedneutrino! Good to hear about everyone's blogs, actually. It's always fun to visit other people's blogs.

Welcome Tom, llorch, and other lurkers! Glad to "meet" y'all!

I'm a big fan of MrBabyMan's work at digg (you have my support over the recent going on there).

Eric O.: hey, I remember that yawning article. Let's see here ... yup, here it is on Neatorama.

Justin Lynes: now I'm curious - what is america's oldest men's clothing store? :)
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Hello, I'm Nick. I've been Neatorama-ing since I saw a post that had a Delorean on monster truck tires, been hokoed ever since. I'm a student, currently studying animation and I hope to have a Pixar-type job someday.
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Engineer by education, military by occupation, geek for life. I've been a Neatorama addict for almost 2 years now, just so I can get my daily fix of quasi-useful factoids to amaze (not really) my friends. Thanks so much for everything and here's to the next anniversary of having posts of numerically sequential ordering!
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Hey, I'm 21 and I just graduated in December with my BS in apparel design. I have been reading neatorama for about a year or so the broad range of posts..lots of stuff to keep me side tracked haha.

Also I live in Portland, OR & it's really pretty great up here :) And our public transportation is amazing!
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Hi Alex and all my fellow Neatoramans,

My naem is Sid and I'm a 30 yr-old from the South East of the UK. Im a Graphic Designer and Illustrator by day and a Musician, Artist, Skeptic and (pretty bad) Poker Player by night. I'm also looking forward to moving in with my Girlfriend on Saturday.

I have been reading Neatorama for just over a year and been occasionally commenting for six months I guess. It's usually the first thing I do when I get into work in the morning and it always sets me up for the day. Thanks for all your efforts in keeping me entertained (and sane at work)!
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Hiee! I'm sise (yes, like SISSY) and I'm a 21 year old lurker (hee hee) from Central California. I read your blog daily to impress my boyfriend with random bits of trivia. Thanks to you, he thinks I'm interesting! Haha jkjk. Congratulations on your 12,345th post.
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With a name like grok, I'd definitely guess you're a big geek! :)

Well, welcome to Neatorama, MCJonesy - now that you've commented (and found out how easy it was), maybe I'll see you 'round the comment part more.

Glad that Neatorama can help you impress your boyfriend with useless trivia, Sise.
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I'm Uw Moeder, which is Dutch for "your mother". I'm blogging at but don't bother clicking on that link because it's all in Dutch :)

Anyway, let's go for post 123,456!
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Hi Alex

Cool site. Lurker for 2 years, off and on.

I live in Napier, New Zealand, by the sea, when I look out my door the nearest land is Chile,South America, about 7000 miles away. She's a big sea mate. Love the view.

I like small children (mostly my own) and the vagrancies of life.

I often wonder if there's a reason.

Neatorama doesn't answer that question for me, but its an extremely fun way to pass the time whilst in between wonderings.

Thanks very much.
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Hi ,
I work for Hong Kong Disneyland and we are just about to open a brand new it's a small world. It's going to be the best version on the planet. Come and visit
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¡Oh God! 12.345 posts in two years. I thought I was a compulsive blogger for having 6.000 in four years V_V

I am a 24 years old Janitor, my work consist in procrastination. So I use my time in blogging and entertainment and one of the best way to be entertained is Neatorama. I think your blog is so good that I am tempted to say bye to mines and start to just translate Neatorama to Spanish ( I am Spanish, so sorry for my poor english :Þ)
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hallo! I'm a VERY faithful reader! I live and grew up on an island Alaska (no joke), I'm currently pursuing a BS in Biology at UAF. Funny enough im hoping to get a PhD in Biochem/Cell Bio someday.

i <3 Neatorama!
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My name is Kevin and I live in Kentucky. I've been visiting this site for nearly two years now, I guess, ever since one of my fellow Farkers mentioned it in the forums. I checked it out and have kept checking it out every day since then. I even won the prize (a sweet Neatorama t-shirt) in the second "What is it?" game you hosted here back in November of 2006. Hooray!

I love this site, Alex.
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Simon, theatre blogger from Vancouver, Canada. Neatorama and a double americano start every morning for me, thanks for all the great work. Confession time: I keep the site as secret as I can from my friends so that it seems like I'm some sort of internet resource god when I send them neat links. I have a feeling I'm not alone in this...
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I'm Julia. I'm 19, studying politics and philosophy at Oxford University... but really I want to be a naturalist and study animals. So I go to lots of zoology lectures and this summer I have a work experience placement at a zoo!

I keep up with this site via its feed (and this is the first time I've ventured over to comment). *Beams*
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I'm a 17 year old, hailing from Norway. I've never seen a polar bear in real life, I suffer (do I?) from Neurofibromatosis type 1, supposed to sux in englisj bicous uf itt, but my skillzorz made that unnecessary (I was actually hindering the two others).

I drol for the 8448 lego set, got a Sandisc sdmx1 024R v2 MP3 player with B&O eaplugs, a Tissot watch.

I'm currently into 3D graphics, got stuff going on in Maya...
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Hi Alex.
I simply adore what you do with Neatorama. It occupies a huge part of my mindspace every single day. I've gone on month long treks to get away from it all, only to return and diligently check on a month's backlog of neatorama posts. :)
I'm from a different corner of the world - India. (This part of asia comes with facial hair :) )And I'm spreading your good word around.
Thank you very very much for all the joys.
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Hi Alex, and all.
I am a 30yo communication student from Iceland, studying in Aarhus, Denmark. I have been a compulsive lurker, and avid reader of your site for just about two years. I check for new posts at least twice per day.
I have too been guilty of hiding this site from friends (along with to be the internet resource god of the group. I have now given them the reason for my virtuosity, namely neatorama.

To celebrate your monumental post number I thought it would be nice to break out of my lurker status and have a least one post in my name here. Thank you neatorama for your good work of keeping me sane.
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Regular Neatorama reader, first time poster. Starting reading a few years back when i noticed alot of stuff on boingboing was from here. 21 year old Electrical Engineering student, working at BMW MINI Oxford (my ip will prolly be German). Thanks for the site
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I'm a 22 year old girl, I graduated in Graphic Design but have been working with game design for about 3 years now. I live in a sunny, coastal Brazilian city near the equator, but am about to move to Barcelona in about a month and a half. My boyfriend moved to Lisbon last October, so I'm moving there to be a bit closer to him (even if it is another country altogether).

I like Monty Python, Nintendo, Batman and Kevin Smith movies, and I have this nasty tendency to buy notebooks and notepads even if I already have tens of unused ones in a corner. I also like to draw, hate crowds, and (presumably) like writing, even if the last time I've steadily written something was when I was 13. I lived in Florida when I was a child, so my English is mostly native. I have a knack for learning new languages, even if I'm too lazy to actually learn them.

Oh, yes, my predominant activity is procrastination.
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Hi Alex, Congrats on the 12345th post! It feels good typing those numbers out. I'm from Singapore, and am currently in university, but the only thing you see me doing during lectures is checking Neatorama for updates or looking through the archives. Too interesting! HELP!

Thank you so much for all the quirky posts:) They always make my day
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I am a 35-year old male. I was born in Germany, but grew up in Denmark (The small country below Sweden and Norway), and i am working as a webdesigner/ webmaster/ graphic designer.

I like to buy old computers from flea markets. I am also a father.

I check Neatorama every day, and i frequently comment.

I prefer the comment "Well, i for one welcome our new *insert word* overlords", wich isn't from me, but wich i find hilarious. :-)
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Hi Alex

Greetings from Sydney Australia. 47 year old opera librettist. Lurking lurking lurking for 2 years, now your great achievement has prompted me to comment and say what a great & daily pleasure Neatorama is - essential for my webby connectedness. Best wishes for the next 12345.
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Hi Alex,

My name is Peter, married, father, working in IT, living in the Netherlands. That about sums up the 39 years I guess.

I've been hooked on Neatorama for about two years now. It's my start of the day. Coffee, local news, headlines for global news, Neatorama and then the day can start.
Lurker only. Well till now. My first comment.

I'm maintaining a daily blog myself, but as it's all in the Dutch language I'll keep it from you ;-)

Keep up the good work.

All the best.
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Hello there Alex,

I'm a Brit, living in Hong Kong teaching chemistry. Have lurked for a long time on Neatorama, but really ought to congratulate you on your excellent 12345 posts so far. Well done!

Looking forward to 123456!
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Hi Alex!

The first thing I do in the morning after feeding pets and having coffee here in Providence, RI is to wake up the Mac cube and refresh your site. I don't watch TV or read the paper, so this, boingboing and NPR are how I find out about the larger world and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh yeah...I'm a white male, age 39, married with 3 cats, 1 puppy. I fix wooden boats of all sizes and types for a living.
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Congratulations on the milestone, Alex! I am Miss C, and I am a full=time blogger. I have two sites and work for three more (mental_floss, YesButNoButYes, and Neatorama), but I was a radio disc jockey for 24 years prior. I am a widow with two daughters, a ten-year-old from China and a nine-year-old from India. We live in a small town in eastern Kentucky. I didn't know Neatorama was a new blog when I started reading it, but I became an addict when Petunia died and Alex posted such a nice tribute. Here's a paraphrasing on how he hired me:

Alex: You wanna be an author on Neatorama?
Me: I don't know, I just started with YBNBY, I might not have the time.
Alex: Great! I'll set you up an account; you can start anytime.

I guess it worked out.
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Congrats on the big 12345!

Oregon is cooler than Washington. Sorry Washington! We have a bigger, less active volcano. We have one of the largest rivers that flows north. No sales tax. And we don't have to pump our own gas. Washington does have a really active volcano, more Sasquatch (probably), and one of the first (if not first) malls in America.

So yeah, I live in Oregon and I enjoy the rain. Started reading Neatorama when the Laugh-Out Loud Cat comic did the shout out. I need to comment more. But just because I don't say it often enough, I do love the blog.
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Hi there! I live in Sydney, Australia, and found your blog through Hobotopia. I love forwarding your links to my friends who then think I'm this super crazy genius with too much time on my hands. Surprisingly, the 'too much time on my hands' part is not too far from the truth. Sadly, the 'super crazy genius', not so much :)
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hola, my name is Ari, 20yrs old, and im in Australia, YAY! I'm studying postgrad theatre and philosophy, i come from circus background and i adore neatorama. its my 'first thing in the morning' because it reminds me that there is such diversity in the world!
peace, love and namaste,
this blog rocks!
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Wow, it's rather neat to read a little about the other folks who read neatorama, what a good idea to ask about that. As for me, I'm currently a graduate student in linguistics and a TA for a public speaking course in Columbia, South Carolina, though in the past I've also worked as a Public Relations assistant, a corporate training designer, a technical writer, and a few years back even got to write for a couple of episodes of a cartoon show (which was ridiculously awesome, I love cartoons =) I also love dogs (my great big neurotic mutt Bandit is absolutely my baby), insects (first thing I did upon moving to SC was to take a slew of photos of the insects living (mostly) outside my apartment; perhaps if I hadn't sent them off to all my friends who asked what SC was like I would be getting more visitors these days), office supplies, dictionaries, and run-on sentences, and am absolutely convinced that flip-flops and blueberry muffins are the work of a cruel and unjust god.

Congratulations on post #12345, here's looking forward to #54321!
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Congrats on post 12345!

Neatorama is on my RSS feed and I love it! I learn something new every day...or at least burst out laughing.

I'm 24, I work for Disney, and I read an average of 2 books a week. That's me in a nutshell.
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Hi, my name is Ray, and I am a pastor of a church in Massachusetts. I first discovered Neatorama because so many other blogs link back to what they have found here. I enjoy Neatorama for its information, variety and entertainment value. Keep up the good work - maybe you can do this again when you reach post #23,456!
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Hello all,
I'm Su,a 40 year old lurker from Liverpool, England. Love my daily lurk and spread titbits amongst family and friends. I'm a vocational trainer, happily separated with three beautiful daughters aged 16, 13 and 5. (spot the surprize). Doctor who nut to my daughters eternal shame. Love The Matrix, Serenity (any sci-fi)and Doris Day. Read Anne Macaffery, Piers Anthony and Jane Austin. Follow football (soccer !!) and cricket ( said very quietly with all these Australians about)
Congratulations and keep on blogging
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Love the site.

I am a 44 year old accountant living in the UK. I log on most days during my lunch hour.

I heard about your site on the radio and have lurked ever since. You also directed me to other favourites Misscellania and Darkroastedblend.

Many Thanks.
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Hello all....I'm from Virginia in the US.

I've been reading Neatorama for about 18 months or so (pretty close to the start). Generally, I'm a lurker, but I've been known to leave a comment here and there.

My job: Supporting a staff of doctors and genetic counselors in the Genetics division of our local hospital.

My favorite part of Neatorama just changed to the conversation between Miss Cellania and Alex posted above. LOL!
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I am a lurker. I discovered this site in Mental_Floss magazine. Addicted to that magazine and slowly loving this site. I come here whenever I get the chance. I am a college student with no direction in life but I am a hard worker. I sort of lack self confidence and I am working on it. I should visit this site more often.... =)
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Most of the meat of my background is on my link. I think I first visited neatorama from I "grew up" with boingboing when it was on paper (I was 24) and I slowly tranferred the Do It Yourself revolution in my soul to the interwebs when the Vs. System cardgame was released and I had the urge to create a worldwide persona in that community.

I'd like to end with a major Yaus! for Alex, the best neatorama mod on Earth.
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I am a lurker who also discover this site in Mental_Floss! I am a 22 year old market research analyst and am absolutley in love with this site. I read first thing in the morning and during my lunch break (and occasionally when I'm supposed to be working). I love all sorts of movies but particularly MGM musicals and am a trivia junkie. I used to read, but not anymore which makes me sad. I haven't decided if I like my job or not, I miss college, and this is the firat time I have ever posted a comment here or anywhere else!
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I comment from time to time, but I'm over here reading Neatorama every day at work. I'm one of the 6 bloggers behind Triple Tri blog. We enjoy many of the posts we find here, and often share them with each other even when we don't mention them on our blog and point the masses here. I live in Ohio and am a DB programmer for a major auto parts manufacturer. Keep the good stuff coming - we enjoy your hard work and effort.
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Another newsfeed lurker for life from sydney, australia here - found the site via a mefi post some time ago :)

Thanks for continually reminding your readership of how weird and wonderous the world is around us, without any extensive editorial.

Looking forward to being here for your next awesomely arbitrarily chosen milestone - any excuse for a toast to the hosts with the mostest :)
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I'm primarily a working musician, and I have been for the last 15 years. As far as studies go, I have a diverse background which includes psychology, mathematics, and physics.

My day job title is Operations Coordinator. I guess I basically live a double life. At work, I have to act like a responsible administrator... while at night, I spend my time making sure I feel terrible in the morning.
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Hi. M here. I look at this site several times a day. This is the first time I've ever commented. I'm a photography student. I graduate this year. I can't wait.

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I've been lurking daily since September of 2005. Love the site because it satiates my "random knowledge" need; then I can share it with everyone else.

Me: "Did you know coffee beans are the world's number 2 export behind petroleum?"

Them: "No..."

Me: "Read Neatorama."
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Hello, I'm Matthew, and I'm an Engineer in London, UK. I have several "cheer me up" feeds in my newsreader, and Neatorama is always funny or interesting.
Thanks, keep it up!
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Hi, I am a lurker junkie, i check neatorama twice a day. I love finding out useless trivia and funny stuff.
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I'm a 46-year-old Registered Nurse (Hemodialysis), married to a College Instructor (Nursing), with 4 daughters (one named Madison...nicknamed "Maddie"). A lifelong bibliophile, I read around 2 to 3 books a week (various genres) and have kept an elaborate Book Journal for almost two decades. During the non-snowing months (here in Canada) I like to bicycle using my 'Mountain', 'Recumbent' (bikeE), or 'Unicycle'.

Two or three times a week I like to run through my list of favorite sites and see what's up: Neatorama, Boing Boing, LifeHacker, A Welsh View, Bits & Pieces,
The Book Design Review, New Yorker, New York Times (Book Section), are among the sites on that list.

I'm not sure if I was previously aware of the term...but I suppose I was (previously) a Lurker...although not anymore as of right now.
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Congratulatons to you on reaching the 12,345 posts & looking forward to reading some more great stuff from you! I'm a regular reader of your interesting blog, am in my late 50's & has been a Rolling Stones' fan since they came onto the scene in the early 60's. My favorite movie is "Seven Years in Tibet",favorite actress is Gong Li & The Corrs is my favourite female pop group. During my spare time I love reading religious stuff like Christianity, Buddhism, etc.
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Hi. I'm 44 and live in Pennsylvania. I can only say that I work for the government. I've been an occasional poster since I discovered the site about 8 months ago. I too used to go to Drudgereport first thing every morning. Now it's Neatorama. I love the posts on this blog and am constantly telling friends (or sending them links) about what I see here. Keep up the good work!!!
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Hey Neatorama!

I'm a 36 year old computer geek in St. Louis and a lurker at Neatorama. You folks brighten my mornings with new posts each day. Thanks!
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I'm a minister from rural Indiana, 28 yrs old. I've always had an interest in oddities, trivia and the unusual and Neatorama does a fantastic job of accumulating the oddest, trivialist and unusualist posts.
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Hi, I'm Martin, I live in Argentina and I'm a Computer Science Student and freelance programmer. I read Neatorama since a couple months ago, but now I check it every day. Also, I draw in my spare time, and I love reading (random fact: I read "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows" in one day). I used to be a gamer too, but eventually i gave up: consoles and games here cost twice as much, and the dollar-pesos exchange raises that cost up to nearly 6 times :P
I work at a local university, and I'm also a freelance programmer. Last, but not least, I consider myself a geek, but since "geek with a girlfriend" is an oximoron I'm reconsidering it.
And that's all about me. Good luck, and congratulations for the 12345th post!
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Congrats on post 12,345! I read neatorama in the morning before going into the lab, and later again before going to bed. The thing I love about neatorama is that you never know what is going to show up, since there are a few different authors. I think I found you guys through boingboing. I've left comments before, but not too many, so I guess I still classify as a lurker. I'm almost 28, getting my PhD in Computer Science in Toronto...
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Hi, my brother introduced me to this site a year or two ago and i've visited almost everyday since. i work at a daycare, work/attend a local community college and i run sound for various events (and do a little recording on the side)....yeah that's me....
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Hi, I am a preacher in rural Arkansas and I love to find odd info and the occasional good news that this site provides for sermon illustrations. Keep up the good work and try to stay awayt from the NSFW material!
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I cannot believe how many different types of people from all around the world are here!
I am a 23 year old office drone from RI. I'm currently changing positions at the company I work for and I'm quite nervous!
I live with my boyfriend of 5 years, with marriage on the horizon! I have 2 beautiful guinea pigs that I dote on as if they were my children ;)
Alex, this post is genius! I am looking forward to many more years of Neatorama!
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Hi Alex.

I'm a 66 yo retired Silicon Valley engineer living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I've been lurking on Neatorama for about 18 months now. I know I should be commenting because I live for comments on my blog, (I have no pride--I'll plug my blog anywhere.) :)

Neatorama is at the top of my feed list. Thank you so much for all the interesting posts. Congratulations on post number 12345. I hope you have the stamina to keep it up for at least the next 20 years.
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Am I the oldest lurker here? I'm 65 years old and live in Florida (although I moved here way before retirement age). I was a copy editor and am a compulsive reader. Neatorama is the best. I've appreciated the links that have led me to most of the sites I check regularly.
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I've been a lurker for a few years, you are a random fact machine, I love it. I don't know why I didn't register sooner, but I got my username yesterday, just in time for our introductions.

Alex, I love this blog, I have to tell you that I check it five times a day for updates. I have no complaints other than the fact that I seem to check it more often than you update, but I understand.
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Hi! (First time commenting!) My name's Lorna, and I am a Neatorama addict.

I'm a 28-year-old hack writer in northeastern Kansas. I can type 40 words per minute with a cigarette in my left hand. I have a birthmark on my right thigh that sometimes bears an uncanny resemblance to the Virgin Mary. I live on salt-and-vinegar potato chips. I collect antique typewriters, one of which I suspect is haunted by the ghost of a disgruntled elementary school secretary. My blood stream is 48% pure coffee. I think Neatorama is the most awesomest.
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Hi Alex,

I'm Christine. I'm a 32 year old living in Royal Oak, MI just outside of Detroit. I live with my husband, a herd of cats and a new puppy (so freakin' cute!). Going back to school in the next couple of months to become a CPA. I just want you to know that Neatorama is one of the first sites I visit each day after I get to work. Love it love it love it! I've got all my friends and family checking your site too.

Congratulations and I hope you keep it up for many more years!
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Hey Alex,
Congrats on your awesome achievement. I've been lurking for about 2 years, I found Neatorama through YBNBY, but now I bypass it and come straight here. All my friends think I'm a surfing genius when I send them links, little do they know its all you and neatorama.
I am from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. 24 yr old History/Indian Art student. And a big big fan.
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I am 30 and live in NC. I can't tell you exactly where because I'm a traveling salesman. That's the truth. I drive everyday, 1000-2000 miles a week. I have a friend in every city I go to who will let me crash on his/her couch. We smoke and drink scotch the night away. Then I get up, shower, and I'm on my merry way. My laptop is about the only thing that is always with me, besides suitcase in the trunk. I'm online everywhere, so I check N-O-R for coffee in the morning, lunch, random reading in the afternoon.

I get a lot of my drinking stories from here. "Did you know that the holes in swiss are called eyes?" Best pick up line ever.
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i'm a professional photographer living in nyc. i turn to neatorama even before i turn to the news.

there are a lot of blogs out there but none that have that fine balance of wit, wonder and positive slant as yours.

i've contributed once with images from my book (thank you). yet never commented on anything till now.

maybe this is the start of a more active relationship!
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See you've got me habitually commenting now that I have a username.

Alex you didn't say what your first language is and I might have missed it on any of your previous posts.

Do you drink scotch? What's your favorite?
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Hi Alex,

Long-time lurker, first-time poster here!

I'm 43 years old and live in rural western Pennsylvania. I work for a human services company as a regional person in our therapeutic foster care program. Before that, I was a therapist/evaluator for children and families, for more than 15 years. I'm involved in various child/parent/teen programs at my local church, which is part of Sovereign Grace Ministries.

Neatorama is one of the sites I visit at least twice a day, and recommend to my friends, who always ask "Where do you get such weird/interesting links?"

Thank you, and your understanding wife, for so many great years and 12345 posts!
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Hi Alex (and the entire Neatorama community)!!!

I'm a 30 year old lurker that caught your site on a link from boingboing some two years ago. I spent three hours reading numerous pages of back posts (back to the first page) and haven't quit reading since. I'm hooked, I've hooked my husband and my sister, and I share often. I check this site every morning and meander back throughout the day, especially when I feel like getting away from work (THANK YOU for the Flash Games category).

Congratulations, and keep it coming!!!!
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23 year old network admin, who would way rather be out camping somewhere than sitting in front of the monitor. Been reading neatorama for about a year now, and love all the stuff you post. Congrats on the special post, and thanks for such an entertaining site!
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Hi Alex, my name is Kathy and I live in Kansas and look at your blog practically every day whenever or whenever I get a chance.. I love it and all its unique posts. You do a great job at and I hope you never quit, because if you do, I won't know what else to read first thing in the morning.
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