The World Of Acronyms

Did you ever want to find out what any acronym, abbreviation, or initialism stood for?

That's what Mike Molloy, the founder and developer of, said, when he launched the site in 1997, “I had two goals: I wanted to make available a database of abbreviations and acronyms I had collected since 1985; and I wanted to learn about web database programming. Acronym Finder wasn’t the first web-based abbreviations search site, but the day it went online, it became the largest human-edited collection available – and it still is.”

Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary and contains more than 4 million acronyms acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms.

You can also search for more than 850,000 US and Canadian postal codes as well as filter terms from the following categories:

Information Technology (IT): Examples: DHCP, FTP, HTTP, WWW, RSS, SDK, TCP
Military & Government: Examples: DoD, ICBM, ICE, NHS, MoD, NOAA, NSA
Science & Medicine: Examples: ACL, DNA, HEPA, LASER, MRI, PTFE

Link: AcronymFinder

Interesting that "acronym" is now commonly used to mean "abbreviation," which is what most of these are. An actual acronym is an abbreviation which forms a word, like NASA, FAQ, or HIPPA.
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Salsa beat me to it. I get annoyed when people misuse "acronym" when they really mean "abbreviation". It isn't as bad as using "less" for "fewer", but it still gets my fur up.

Those stupid Guardasil genital warts vaccine commercials "I want to be one less" over and over drive me bonkers.
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