Snow Day Rant Voicemail


When it snowed last week, Lake Braddock Secondary School senior Devraj "Dave" Kori, 17, wondered why they didn't call a snow day. So he called Dean Tistadt, the Fairfax County public school administrator's home (it was a listed number) and left a voicemail.

Lo and behold, Tistadt's wife - pissed at being called at home and at the implication that her hardworking husband wasn't doing his job - called back to leave her own voicemail!

It was a bad move, though - thanks to the long arm of the web, the student got the upper hand: he posted her voicemail on the web!

Here's the story: Link [ABC World News Webcast] | article at WaPo

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Her call to his home was an earned payback. She was a bit out of control, but right on target regardless.
How DARE a child be so ill-mannered to pick up the phone and just call their home so casually; if he expects to be treated as an adult, he must learn that this is not how adult business is done. Methinks he has a looong way to go yet.
Unfortunately for our society (which has become very selfish and rude), his way of thinking/behaving is quite common nowadays; someone with authority over him has made a decision, he doesn't agree with it, so he feels it's ok to brush it aside and inconvenience the person with said authority. Great. One more whiney pissant asshole kid to add to the pile.
Don't like it, then go through the proper channels to change it in a professional manner. Call my house & the gloves come off.
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Wow. I realize that we're only given one side of this issue, but I'm on the kid's side. =/

How the wife responded to his message deserves this kind of retaliation. The lady's so immature and unprofessional, especially for an administrator's wife. She's gotta grow up some way or another..
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My take on this is......I dont f'ing care. Sounds like the little punk was a smart ass on his message. Lets hear the one he left. Otherwise, the hell with this little baby kid. Tired of this whinny ass generation. Bunch of friggin babies.
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I think the kid was unjustified in calling the administrator's home, but the reply was unwarranted. She displayed absolutely no class, no matter what the teen may have said.

As for Tiffany's whining about how her fathers is missing out on family time... get over it. Plenty of people have to work late to pay the bills. Plenty of people are missing out on family time. That's life. Good thing he has the summers off, eh?
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If you don't want people calling you at home, don't list your phone number.

I have always considered it very unprofessional for anyone to have their spouse call for job-related matters. One time, one of my supervisors had her husband call in to her work and yell at one of the employees under her. She couldn't get on the phone because she was "too upset."

Even worse was that the husband, since he knew practically nothing about the situation, was yelling at our new hire who had no idea what was going on.

The student also probably called him at his home when he thought he would probably not be at the office yet. After all, school hadn't started yet. I think that is perfectly reasonable. Even if the kid was rude or unreasonable, they should have asked to speak to his parents instead.
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