Dangnabit, seems like Cloverfield's shaky camera work is giving people "movie sickness."
Scary movies are supposed to leave patrons feeling a bit scared and jittery, but the newest horror flick is leaving Oklahoma City-area moviegoers with a different feeling -- nausea.
Quail Springs and Crossroads mall movie theaters have posted this warning regarding the film, "Cloverfield:"
Due to the filming method used for "Cloverfield," guests viewing this film may experience side effects associated with motion sickness, similar to riding a rollercoaster.
There goes my plan to see the movie (I get seasick easily). And I really wanted to go see it, too!
Link - Thanks Tiffany!
Well, probably it's for the best, since it would've cost my wife and I something like $100 for baby sitters, tickets, popcorn and what not. That's a lot of money just go see a movie. (Don't you remember when going to the movies was affordable?)
I suppose in the mean time I have to satisfy myself with reading about it - or watching the review (ABC World News Webcast did one last week). I'll just wait for the DVD - then I can skip around to the good parts!
Comments (28)
At any rate, I'm assuming most of you who are saying that the "shakycam" is a cheap trick have not seen the movie.... it's pretty essential to cinematography and, in my opinion, adds a lot to the film. If the camera had been perfectly steady it would completely ruin the feeling of immersion that this movie quite successfully creates. And stabilization or no, there's a lot of running going on and I dare any one of you to hold a camcorder steady while running for your life.
And no, camera techniques could not have been swapped out for a suspenseful score because there is no score.
One of the main points of the film is the realism involved. The people are just average people who just happen to have the camera on. You view it as it is shot, hence there is no score whatsoever.
Anyway, theres my essay on the topic.