World's Largest Swimming Pool

You're looking at the world's largest swimming pool in the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Algarrobo, Chile. The pool's more than 1,000 yards (914 m) long, covers 20 acres and holds about 66 million gallons (250,000 m3) of water:

The man-made saltwater lagoon has been attracting huge crowds to the San Alfonso del Mar resort at Algarrobo, on Chile's southern coast, since it opened last month.

Its turquoise waters are so crystal clear that you can see the bottom even in the deep end.

It dwarfs the world's second biggest pool, the Orthlieb – nicknamed the Big Splash – in Morocco, which is a mere 150 yards long and 100 yards wide. An Olympicsize pool measures some 50 yards by 25 yards.

Chile's monster pool uses a computer- controlled suction and filtration system to keep fresh seawater in permanent circulation, drawing it in from the ocean at one end and pumping it out at the other.

Link - Thanks Another Jake, indeed it was neat!

Yeah, it's neat, but it always cracks me up when I see a swimming pool right on the beach... Maybe it's just that it's not so common in the U.S. As a kid, I used to enjoy trips "down the shore" (guess what US state I hail from...) and there were never any pool visits involved. Pools were plentiful, but artificial, a ersatz ocean without the nice sand and waves. A trip to the shore was always (and remains) a better deal than a dunk in the pool, even a rather jumbo one like this. I can see the appeal of pools if you are far from the ocean, but it's pretty lame to hang out in one when you've got reality so nearby.
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Probably a fake beach, anyways, but still...

It's at the mouth of a river - wonder if the ocean's too polluted right there. There's irony.
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Haha. It's right next to the beach and even uses filtered seawater. What does that say about their bit of ocean right there? (Though I must say, if the ocean water is anything like what's in Galveston, TX, I don't blame the pool-goers. It's the swimming pools overlooking, say, the beautiful Caribbean that blow my mind.)
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Sorry to spoil this neat post by telling you that there is a factual error in there. An olympic swimming pool is 50x25 metres and not yards (50 meters = 54.6806649 yard).
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*smacks forehead* it makes me a little ashamed of the human race when i see something like a gigantic swimming pool not even 50 feet from the ocean. and its SALTWATER too...
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No longer do you have to swim in those chlorine filled pools when you fly across the globe to get to a warmer country with seawater that is perfectly fine. Now you can swim in a pool full of natural feeling salt water.

Don't forget to drink our bottled water that tastes like tap water, is almost as pure, has been transported several thousand kilometers and costs 1000x more!
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You... just don't get it, do you?

Chile has a practically non-existent continental shelf, making its coast extremely dangerous due to both undertow and currents.
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I like it. I wonder what is the context. It might justify the project, like sharks, jelly fish, pollution or dangerous currents. Obviously some comments here are made by "urban-green-fanatics", unaware of coastal dangers. It always amaze me to hear them preach without understanding the context, they are the new missionaries, ready for the Green-totalitarian-wash !!!
In Australia there are millions of beautiful beaches (palm trees, white sand, the Cliche), most of them dangerous. That's why we have rock pools with salt water, next to the sea (Google Bondi Beach). Think about the babies, the kids and the old people, think about security and pleasure, free your mind guys !!!
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Yeah, Chile has practically no continental shelf to speak of. Walk out about 200 feet and the coast drops about 8000 feet. This causes MASSIVE undercurrents and rip tides which makes the oceans in Chile impossible to swim in. Any person, no matter how fit, would not be able to survive those rip currents and return to shore. That's why they have that pool; to allow Chileans and tourists the oppurtunity to swim at the beach when its beach is unswimmable.
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