Hooray! Artist extraordinaire and Neatorama pal Adam "Ape Lad" Koford of Hobotopia came up with four great designs for our new Neatorama T-shirt. The problem is, they're all excellent and I'm having trouble picking one.
So I need your help: which design should be made into the T-shirt? Please vote for your favorite design (Oh, and one lucky commenter will win a free T-shirt when it comes out!)
Comments (87)
While I applaud you commissioning a t-shirt for your site I find your creative review “process” disconcerting. As a designer and illustrator who has sent my work to be reviewed by many a client this "polling" is the equivalent of asking your wife if this design or ad campaign looks good.
In short make your own decisions based on your gut and don't decide by Internet committee.
Thank you.
I vote astronaut.
@cabooglio: I love Ape Lad’s work, but I’m not wild about any of these. They have the flavor of something that was “suggested”. They feel art-directed and flat.
The only thing I requested from Ape Lad was that it has Neatorama somewhere in the design. I'm not sure that qualifies as "art-directed," but perhaps it was. I think the obvious inspiration was the Neatorama Monkey.
And I think you will make your sales bigger if choose 4 models. I'll buy all of them :)
And I'm speaking from BRAZIL! So... lucky north-americans. :)
After all, with the possibility of a Terminator-esque future, you can never start kissing up too soon.
Henry Myers
"The only thing I requested from Ape Lad was that it has Neatorama somewhere in the design. I’m not sure that qualifies as “art-directed,” but perhaps it was. I think the obvious inspiration was the Neatorama Monkey."
Then perhaps what I'm feeling is the fact that it has been done before. Maybe that's where the "flat" is coming from. It doesn't feel spontaneous. I also agree with the previous commenter who said that it doesn't connect with the site especially well.
Is the voting closed? Or how teh heck do you vote? I just popped in from Hobotopia to vote, and absolutly, without question, LOVE teh neatorama dog, (o elegnt dog, we noes what UR name spells bakwards an' we loves UR polkadot ball) Can U vote 4 me? (But if U chooses me for teh shirt, iz mine, k?)
Mebbe astronaut haz so many votes cuz his iz teh only acive link?
I learnd my spelling from Ape Lad. If U sees hiz Hobotopia.com site, U'll noes what I mean. (Warning: is addictive, and UR spelling may B ruint 4evr.)
Whattaya mean, there's no squid?
Hmmph. Want a squid.
In general, none of those really feel like they capture the "neat" of Neatorama.
//ok, maybe i am a slow reader.....
The bear currently only has 60 votes (vs. astronaut's 291)... trust me to pick the underdog. I mean, underbear! :p
Astronaut is the best of the bunch, but the juggling objects should be neatorama-related. Hello Kitty could be juggling its own ear-plug nipples, for example.
(The dog seems to be hovering in front of that spotted ball, as well, as he levitates the smaller balls)
I voted for the robot, I like the idea of a multi-(more than two)-armed juggler, though the bear is also nice in his suit.
Just because a majority of people like something doesn't mean it's 'flat' or else where would German chocolate cake, the internet, and practicing making babies, be?
The simple cascade is by no means the only juggling pattern.
While a nine ball shower is a stretch of the imagination for anyone I've every heard of (and may well be impossible), an arc of balls is normal for juggling in the shower pattern. There's obviously room for artistic license as well, so I'd suggest just being happy that the art is being represented in culture at all.
For some reason, a crude representation of the shower is what's usually captured in illustrations rather than the more common cascade.
I voted astronaut, in part because he actually looks like he might be juggling the balls, but I don't really like any of these. In the right low gravity environment, a nine ball shower could be attainable rather casually, hence the smug look. ;)
The others, the positions of the hands and balls don't look related in any way.
Team Robot!
I so want a free T-shirt !
Pick me! pick me
What a cool dog.
Look at him, just chilling there, while balancing on a ball.
So much cooler than the loser robot. Four arms, open mechanical eyes and he still manages to drop a ball.