Anti-Alcohol Ad Campaigns

To show the isolating consequences of being caught drink driving (or drunk driving for us Yanks) last Christmas, ad agency Leo Burnett London created this image of an actual convicted drunk driver trapped under a giant upturned pint glass.

Link - via about:blank

The Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand (ALAC) also has an ad campaign with similar themes running:

Hangover kitchen

Hangover family

The ads are captioned: Was last night really worth it? It's not the drinking. It's how we're drinking.

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Anything that puts a dime in the pockets of the lawmakers will stay. When I choose to drink, I have a responsibility to not only myself but to others as far as driving goes. I don't want the lives of my family members on the line so I wouldn't do it to anyone else's family.
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alcohol is a man made manufactured poisen hmmm
great stuff
and the government says its ok to poisen urself cause they all do it themselves think we might have quite a substantial problem here in society
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man everybody drinks, i'm a sixteen year old alcoholic! it's in my blood, the first drink, i became an alcohoic!!! Everyone is gonna drink eventually!! [:
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I am getting sick of the anti smoking campaigns and the "marijuana is the devil" campaigns. The real killer out there is alcohol. I just read on MSN that some colleges want to lower the drinking age, it should be raised to 65 or made illegal. Alot more harm has come to people in general from drinking than the others combined. But, I know that alcohol will not be made illegal considering the fact that they even drink it in the bible... what does that tell you!
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Don't do it artbot! If you drink, you'll be trapped under a giant glass, like a bug! You'll run out of air within an hour! Is drinking really worth suffocation??
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