Andrew French and colleagues at Stemagen, a tiny San Diego biotech company, became the first to successfully clone a human embryo using DNA from a skin cell of an adult man:
Stemagen CEO Samuel Wood said the privately held company accomplished the feat in humans in May 2007. Because of the South Korean controversy, the company did not want to reveal its success until the work could be verified through genetic testing and then published in a peer-reviewed journal, Wood said.
And that took months.
“We wanted to rekindle interest in this area with a very detailed article describing exactly how to do it,” Wood said.
Meanwhile, other scientific teams published journal articles that had scientists and patient activists buzzing.
And whose DNA did they use for the cloning experiment? None other than Stemagen CEO Samuel Wood's: Sign On San Diego (Photo: Charlie Neuman / Union-Tribune) | This is London article
Now down to the question on all out minds.
Why didn't they use a skin cell from ANGELINA JOLIE?
Good gravy people, why would anyone want an Andrew French of their own?