A Zen Windows Error Message


This strange Windows koan, er... error message must've been designed by a zen master! Found at project x3150 [Flickr] - via Look at This ...

The weirdest computer error I've ever encountered was: "Bad magic number. Seek bloody revenge." (An old *nix computer in college way back when - I don't even remember what I was doing but I'll remember that error message till the day I die!).

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If you look up toll number information in the Southern New England Telephone database using their proprietary application TnMgr and then hit the STORE button without having altered any data fields, you get the Zen error message, "Store is not meaningful without change."
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My favorite is from the dark ages--if anybody needs help with the terms, let me know.

The Fieldata COBOL compiler for UNIVAC Exec 8 had a diagnostic that read:

Statement is vacuous.
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I'm a Mac girl at home, but at work I'm forced to use a Windows box. I have a plugin on my Outlook which would regularly give me an error. What did it say? _Nothing._ A blank box would pop up with the signature something's-gone-wrong "bonk," with a blank button I could click to get out of it.

Windows presents Choose Your Own Error! How exciting!
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It should be noted that this error message is not generated by a Windows system program, but by the AVG antivirus program. Very unclear error message though.

Also, the apparent tautology, "the filename exists or it doesn't" is false (though I am sure you are aware of that). The syntax of a rename command is usually rename filename1 filename2. When the error message says, "duplicate file name or file not found," it means that filename2 already exists or filename1 does not exist.
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