Scientists Say Time is Slowing Down


Spanish scientists have come up with a new hypothesis on to explain the rate of expansion of the universe: time is - literally - slowing down!

A decade ago, astronomers noticed that distant supernovae - exploding stars on the very fringes of the universe - seemed to be moving faster than those nearer to the centre, suggesting that they were accelerating as they shot through space.

Dark energy was suggested as a possible means of powering this acceleration of the expansion of the cosmos.

The problem is that no-one has any idea what dark energy is or where it comes from, and theoreticians around the world have been scrambling to find out what it is, or get rid of it.

The team's proposal, which will be published in the journal Physical Review D, does away altogether with dark energy. Instead, Prof Senovilla says, the appearance of acceleration is caused by time itself gradually slowing down, like a clock that needs winding.

"We do not say that the expansion of the universe itself is an illusion," he explains. "What we say it may be an illusion is the acceleration of this expansion - that is, the possibility that the expansion is, and has been, increasing its rate."

Instead, if time gradually slows "but we naively kept using our equations to derive the changes of the expansion with respect of 'a standard flow of time', then the simple models that we have constructed in our paper show that an "effective accelerated rate of the expansion" takes place."


As if that's not mind-boggling enough, another scientist had proposed that time is actually two-dimensional:

Time is no longer a simple line from the past to the future, in a four dimensional world consisting of three dimensions of space and one of time. Instead, the physicist envisages the passage of history as curves embedded in a six dimensions, with four of space and two of time.

"There isn't just one dimension of time," Itzhak Bars of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles tells New Scientist. "There are two. One whole dimension of time and another of space have until now gone entirely unnoticed by us."

Bars claims his theory of "two time physics", which he has developed over more than a decade, can help solve problems with current theories of the cosmos and, crucially, has true predictive power that can be tested in a forthcoming particle physics experiment.

If it is confirmed, it could point the way to a "theory of everything" that unites all the physical laws of the universe into one, notably general relativity that governs gravity and the large scale structure of the universe, and quantum theory that rules the subatomic world.


Interesting. If this two dimensional aspect of time is correct, it would represent a fundamental shift of awareness in physics. Think about it - if time is not a constant, what then becomes possible?

What I particularly find fascinating is the repeating occurence in science of where one person thinking outside the conventional wisdom box promotes a hypothesis which eventually lays the foundation for the next generation's conventional wisdom (e.g. tectonic plate theory, evolution, gravity, the curvature of the Earth, etc.). To me, that's what makes diversity in all aspects of life so vitally important. Everyone's opinion matters, even if they are an absolute idiot.
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This theory appears every 5 years, i think. the basic idea is that the entire universe is growing/shrinking, but our measuring devices are also growing/shrinking so no-one notices. it gets boring after a while. *yawn*
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The problem is that we measure time independently of any other variable, that is, time is relative to time only. Probably a better way of explaining it would be to say that the speed of light is slowing down (this is an issue of the permitivity of space). Another possibility is that photons themselves slow as they go through space, but this slowdown is perceptible only over intergalactic distances.

There's still a lot to learn.
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I'm open to "extreme possibilities", as they used to say on "The X-files", but no matter WHAT is or isn't happening in the universe, time is nothing more than our perception of it. We can TRY to quantify it and other things with it, but that is just our very new, primate brains, a mere 9 million years out of the African plains, trying to look and sound "smart". I prefer John Lennon's approach, in his song: "I'm just sittin' here watching the wheels go round and round." That, basically, is all humans are really doing.
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gonzo: my mother just got her knee replaced. my father had a large mass taken from his innards that was thought to be cancer (it wasn't). i have many friends that have survived things that would have been a death sentence even 100 years ago.

if we just used our 'primate brains' to 'watch the wheels go round and round' then we would never have made any advances at all. we advance because we ask questions, and we try to come up with explanations of why things are the way they are.
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Interesting article except that they got the sign wrong. If ancient light appears more red-shifted, it means time is speeding up, not slowing down.
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I love how it declares "scientists" say this. Just because one group came out with a theory, doesn't mean that the entire scientific community is behind it (in fact, the scientific community is quite a contrary group of peeps).

Heh, it's kind of like scientist steriotyping. o_O
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if time is slowing down then doesnt that mean that it use too go faster and if it did go faster then how fast did it go when the universe started and also if it did go faster back then, then the time we estimated how old the universe is not as old as we think it is.... so in fact it would be a lot younger then what we think of it now????
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Is light speed constant? We are told that it is. Is it? Check out this article about the changes in atomic clock time and the speed of light measurements. If they are right it changes everything and modern cosmology needs to be rewritten.
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Very weird. It is more Quantum Mechanics weirdness in the real world.
Projecting forward and backward gives some very disturbing images and implications.
Time past approached much faster and arrived much sooner than it would seem possible in our timeframe reality, and time future expires much faster and runs out much sooner than we would think possible in this timeframe reality.
The only way I can picture it, is like someone being in a moving river of changing speeds. Your speed relative to the water you are in is seemingly constant but your speed relative to your surroundings is a very different thing.
It seems to describe a scenario where time will essentially and for all practical purposes eventually flatline and end. Who knew that the hourglass really looked a bit like reality?
It gives new meaning the the phrase, the time is short.
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Tom, you hit it on the nose. It is either time slowing or light acting strangely as it passes through the interstellar medium... Think about this: If we are measuring the speed of light always inside of the areas that dark matter exists, than how can know that light does not change states some way outside of the presence of some other particles/forces?
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The great hulking American Neanderthal, spawn of only 200 years of force feeding by capitalists, corporatists, for exploitation of America's easiest riches finds himself in “unemployables” lines, and the soup kitchens of the land, Tent Cities, Hoovervilles, Shanty Towns and Tar paper Shacks at Cities outskirts, even bused their by the Uber-Rich of New York City, with free one way bus fares out of the City for their convenience! Time is so slowing down! Reversing even! These poor rejects, delisted, disenfranchised from medical care of any kind are treated as prehistoric, less than human, undesirables, untouchables even, in the great American society of plenty? Have we been suddenly thrust into the days of British rule, before the constitution, by some quirk of fate? Do we ride a teseret in time, and has it undulated? how can this be so, in America? Only time-shift can explain!
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