Here is the Top 100 greatest quotes culled from fundamentalist Christian chat rooms, as compiled by FSTDT (Fundies Say the Darndest Things!) forum.
Like this gem, for example:
One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it. [emphasis added]
Link - via GorillaMask
im a very firm christian,
i mean i believe every word of the bible
but this is not what Jesus was about.
im sorry everyone. im sorry Christians act like this
Jesus is the person who said "he who is without sin, throw the first stone"
i dont mean to sound preachy, really
i just felt i should give some defense for those who belive that we become Christian because we need help and guidance, not because we are perfect
...Just joking.
This is the kind of stuff the Xtian right wants to fill our schools with. Lets all teach Magic in science class!
Here we go again - let's bash all Christians for something the wacky fundamentalists say - that's not self-righteous itself, is it?
Maybe we have different history books. Was Hitler a fundamentalist Christian? Oh wait, no, he was a godless man. Maybe having no god is what begets acts such as the holocaust (see what I did there? I used the same irrational argument you did).
Lots of people have said lots of crazy things over the years. Just because you can find 100 quotes that are nonsensical does not prove anything.
As a Christian I have generally liked this page. It is clean, interesting, and funny. I'm disappointed that the authors have posted a blatantly prejudicial post such as this just for a few laughs.
Jesus saves...and invests wisely.
So saying that a primordial soup of umpteen different chemicals somehow came together spontaneously in just the right quantities and conditions, combined with one another with no outside influences, and became a living organism doesn't connote a certain amount of hocus pocus? And then this prototypical living thing, with no outside manipulation developed — again, with no outside influence — over billions and billions of years into life as we know it today, consisting of compositions of such complexity that the best of modern science is still scratching its head? And that isn't magic?
I'm sure the "fundies" on the linked site do say some goofy things (dead link right now; server error), but you've got to admit that when you look at the so-called scientific explanations of the origins of life and the universe, it sounds just as goofy, and a lot of it just doesn't add up.
And Dale, it's not the self-righteous ignorance of religious people that sparked the holocaust. Check your history books. People like you that overreact to what you don't agree with is what scares the crap outta me. Next thing you know, people like you will be trying to muzzle people like me and tell me what we can and can't say... Oh, wait a minute; that's already happening!
I have a prediction: Before all is said and done, Alex will be a born-again, Bible-believing Christian. We're praying for you, brother! ;o)
The clips come from "chat rooms" after all, not theology textbooks or the well-formed and carefully considered beliefs of leaders such as the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Patriarch of Moscow, or even the leader of the Southern Baptists' Convention (whoever he is). In said chat rooms, a very wide range of people (including perhaps a number of trolls!) can ramble nonsensically about whatever they want. Their views are their own only and don't represent any organized dogma -- the quoted represent no one but themselves.
Also bear in mind that even if they were organized, all Christians don't believe the same things! I don't think it is even fair to lump all "fundamentalists" (generally a perjorative) or "Evangelicals" together. If Jim Jones and/or David Koresh were still alive, they could host Chat rooms as well -- the internet is a wide open forum for free speech (as it should be), but don't confuse the ramblings of a few lone nuts with the beliefs of hundred of millions.
That, for all they care, I can go to hell"
The fact that people cling to archaic fairy tales and superstitions in this day and age is depressing.
"Here we go again - let’s bash all Christians for something the wacky fundamentalists say"
Surely that's what we do for any religion...Muslims are bombers, Hindus worship a million gods and abuse low castes etc. Religions are defined by their more nutty followers. Not by the average people (apart from Scientology, where the average person IS a nutter).
I mean, come on, that stuff is embarrassing. Take care of your own people and make sure they're not gonna run their fool-mouths all of the time.
Finally, a smart comment.
>Here we go with the Hitler as a godless atheist myth. Let the idiot show begin.
Jacques ad hominem aside:
"Hitler's private statements are more clear. There are negative statements about Christianity reported by Hitler's intimates, Goebbels, Speer, and Bormann.[17] Joseph Goebbels, for example, notes in a diary entry in 1939: "The Führer is deeply religious, but deeply anti-Christian. He regards Christianity as a symptom of decay." Albert Speer reports a similar statement: “You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[18] In the Hossbach Memorandum Hitler is recorded as saying that "only the disintegrating effect of Christianity, and the symptoms of age" were responsible for the demise of the Roman empire.[19] In 1941, Hitler praised an anti-Christian tract from 362CE, Julian's Against the Galileans, saying "I really hadn't known how clearly a man like Julian had judged Christians and Christianity, one must read this..."[20] He was reported to say that religion should die on its own accord.[21]
Drawing on higher criticism and some branches of theologically liberal Protestantism, Hitler advocated Positive Christianity, traditional Christianity purged of everything that he found objectionable. Hitler never directed his attacks on Jesus himself,[22] but viewed traditional Christianity as a corruption of the original ideas of Jesus, whom Hitler regarded as an Aryan opponent of the Jews.[23]"
Any person who claims to be a Christian, and says that Jesus was Aryan, and opposed the Jews, is not a Christian by any definition outside their own and other hate-groups. Even groups commonly considered cults by the mainstream Christian church (jehovah's witnesses, etc.) will tell you that these ideas are lies made up to support propaganda.
i love it when people compile a list of quotes then give no proof whatsoever for said quotes. also this is taken from anti fundie site so ofcourse its going to be full of "TOTALLY TRUE QUOTES" about dumb people some may be true but im just saying dont believe everything you see.
by the way im non denomenational (can't spell right:()
OK, so then check the sources it cites. There are plenty of them.
i really don't know why you are challenging someone who agrees with your bottom line of this post being stupid.
Atheism: The Newest Internet Trend
fun stuff
The website is back up - though it's slow. I don't think Neatorama's farked it up - we're too nice of a blog to do such mean things. :)
I can't believe that there are so many really stupid people out there.
I don't have a problem with Christianity (well... the Christians who don't follow the Old Testament, which is insane) but some of its followers worry me...
Funny, and a bit scary.
And before everyone starts yelling at me for bashing the Old Testament, have you ever sat down and read it? I have (and no I'm not a Christian although I was raised as one, but that's by the by) and some of the stuff in it is just ridiculous. "Do not eat shellfish for it is unclean" "Do not come into contact with a woman who is menstruating" "Do not wear cloth of two different fabrics" etc. Also in the Old Testment God kills over two billion people and Satan kills ten. Right. Sure glad you've got such a nice guy looking after you there.
Yeah, I don't claim that we, as a society, don't have stereotypes for other religions, too. But that doesn't make it a good thing, does it?
And you can only really make that claim about Scientologists since they are such a small group - but there are small, divisive groups within the Scientology world, too.