This is so cool (well, technically, it's hot!): here's a guide on how to make your own magic fireball. Just don't get burned, okay... Hit play or go to Link [Metacafe] - via Gizmodo, thanks John Wiersma!
That looks amazing! I would try it myself if I wasn't so freaked out by burning myself.
Blue flame is closest to the source, and on top, its the hottest, with heat rising from the source, and on bottom, its not getting far enough away to change color. Blue is usually the hottest, but alcohol and lighter fluid tend to burn blue naturally, as well as burn lower temps.
haha levi that was pretty funny. it seems real enough to me, when I saw the beginning of the video I assumed it was ethanol as it burns relatively cool, and really you're only touching the underside of the ball.
I don't think its a hoax. I've covered my hand in alcohol, and lit it aflame, and it didn't burn me. It burns cool, and if you keep moving it around, I'd say its totally safe.
If that was a hoax, then the maker deserved a prize for creating an amazing illusion. I watched the video again - the way the fire danced on his hand is too good to be a CG effect.
i made one and daym!!! it was so cool it didnt burn it was just warm. i did make a mistake of not using cotton string, and that hurt a bit cuz it melted in my hand but not that painful as most people think ^__^
I'll get my brother to do it though.
*fireball* Oh shi - Bobs really on fire!