Comic: Bizarro (who by the way has a new blog and an upcoming comic show at the Purple Onion in San Francisco on February 22, 2008)
Remember that ailurophobia is the irrational fear of cat? Well, coulrophobia [wiki] is the irrational fear of clowns. It comes from the Greek word kolobathristes meaning one that goes on stilts and phobos meaning fear (the Greeks didn't have a word for clown - the closest thing was those on stilts, i.e. circus performers).
Clown phobia is quite common in small children, but in some, the fear persists well into adulthood. I've read that up to 1 in every 7 people have it to some degree, though the exact number is very hard to pin down.
It's easy to make fun of clown phobia (clever pun, eh?) But it can be quite a dramatic and overpowering fear in adults. Like this lady who is scared to death of clowns:
So why are people afraid of clowns? Most phobia started in childhood, but in some, fear of clown is sparked by reading about one (like the sadistic Pennywise the clown from Stephen King's novel It) or watching one in horror movies, even campy ones (Killer Klowns from Outer Space, anyone?). Indeed, the theme of evil clown [wiki] is quite common in American pop culture.
Perhaps some clowns are truly evil. Like serial killer John Wayne Gacy [wiki] aka The Killer Clown. Gacy, who was convicted for the rape and murder of 33 boys and young men in the 1970s liked to dress up as "Pogo the clown" in neighborhood block parties to entertain little children. After he was caught and convicted, Gacy spent his days on death row painting - you've guessed it - clowns.
John Wayne Gacy's Pogo and Clown Skull
(Photo: Serial Killer Central, who has more of these kinds of morbid art)
People are apt to overanalyze coulrophobia, though they can come up with interesting reasons. Kathryn Cillick at Phobialist came up with this explanation:
I have a theory about the reason for fearing clowns that I thought I would suggest to you. Because clowns have permanent, exaggerated expressions painted on their faces - usually of joy but not always, it renders the observer impotent in measuring facial expression as a precursor of action and for those who are vigilant about their environment, possibly because of past traumatic events, they are unable to interpret and therefore predict what this creature may do to them. This is heightened when we observe the "happy" clown performing some aggressive behavior - it becomes too much to take - creating intense confusion and fear. I don't know if this is the reason - simply my first thoughts on a very intriguing subject.
If you're afraid of clowns, you're not alone: anti-clown celebrities include rapper P. Diddy, Johnny Depp, Carol Burnett and Anthony Bourdain.
Now I don't find clowns scary. I find them creepy. How about you?
When I was four, I went to the circus and entered a drawing for a bicycle. I ended up winning the bicycle and the clowns came up the stands to get me. Well, they grabbed me by the wrist and practically dragged me down the stairs. It hurt. :(
I didn't even get to ride the bicycle for another six years because I was too short.
I'm not completely terrified of them, but I'd much rather be in a room full of puppies than a room full of clowns.
Anyway, I'm liking the articles and long posts that you guys have been posting lately. Thanks for taking the time to do it! :D
The rest are pathetic and unfunny, but not terrifying.
as a child the most scary thing was my father when he had shaved his beard. Beardless stranger pretending to be your father is scary.
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Are you a spam whore? Or just really attached to your stupid FeedM8 crap?
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For a similar reason, I find evil dolls/puppets creppy. Its the 'not-quite-human-but-acting-similar' factor. Animated humanoid-shaped objects or any kind are creepy! (whether a fictional 'evil puppet' or a real animatronic person). :'(
Oddly enough, my favorite horror book/movie is Stephen King's It. I include the book not only because it's more frightening but so y'all know it isn't just Tim Curry that scares me ;)
Went through a very intense haunted house a few years ago. Near the end was a "circus" where clowns with fangs came out of the corners. A 20-something woman in the group had a meltdown. Before you go into a haunt called "Phobia House," be aware that one of your phobias might be included. Luckily for me, the tarantula in the glass case was too cold and was hiding.
The woman on the video is pretty brave, she's facing her fear and seeking help to overcome it. Good for her!
Incidentally, the photos of clowns in this posting (which I very quickly scrolled past while looking away) were a bit of a, um...well, I made a little scream noise and had to take some deep breaths, and I'm at work. I won't write, "Please don't do that," because it's my problem to work out, but you should warn a sister before you go throwing especially scary clown images all willy nilly.
I hate my stupid phobia.
I don't think clowns are evil - they are just regular people trying to entertain. I can respect that. The common theory about the inability to judge expression is my reason. I watched Bozo on TV and was OK with him, he was pretty straight forward, always smiling within the painted smile and moved pretty slowly/consistently. But clown in real life move around quickly are always popping in here and there, trying to physically touch you to draw you in and they are not always smiling, but that big painted on smiles seems like a trick. On a pure instinctive level, it's alarming! I really don't know what I'll do if one gets too close to me without me knowing and starts all that grabbing/goosing crap - he/she might be going down. But I can usually move out of the area, not make eye contact and clear out. Nobody knows and I want to keep it that way. I hope I'm never forced into an up-close encounter with a clown. BUT!!!! I have to confess that I do LOVE seeing a group of clowns doing the whole pile out of the tiny car thing and clown around with each other on the brightly colored costumes/wigs, etc. BUT!!!! They are faaaaar away, waaaay down there somewhere and I can't see their faces. Again, I appreciate what they are trying to bring to the world, but they creep me the #$%@! out...
Your trusty philologist
i saw a clown when i was like 4 years old it didnt freak me out that much but then like a couple months later i woke up to find my big sister watching IT pennywise and the clown i saw were practically identical. As i got older people were like why dont you just metally kill them everytime you see one? Yeahh no matter you do to a clown they just keep on SMILING!! that freaks me out more than killer clowns
I could never go to the circus and even when my parents tried to introduce me in private to the man, who I knew, behind the Santa Claus costume at a church Christmas fayre, I still bolted from the hall when he arrived 10 minutes later; and I knew who was behind the whiskers.
Many years later a similar thing happened to my son in a local store. I told the child off which started a spat with his mother who couldn't or wouldn't see the postential harm. Fortunately the effect on my son was transitory.
It might seem like harmless fun to many but I would caution anyone because of the potential harm. Also, street robbers use masks to hid their identity and that can exacerbate the problem for coulophobics. But I doubt if crimminals could care less.
It's weird to me...........
snakes x
spiders x
clowns x
dogs x
absolutly nothing xxx cheres
my phobia is of anyone or any think dressed up
to a clown to superman to even a child wearing a batman custum as i havent found anyone with my phobia as of yet.i am hoping if anyone knows of it and knows any name for it.the actually phobia as got worse as i got older and i am now 26 and it is still getting alot worse as i get older.i do have a 4 year old son and its not far on him so please can any one help or point me in the right direction please any help would be great thank you