PETA Requests Vegetarian Diet in Jail for Cannibalism Suspect

PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) has requested the man accused of murdering his girlfriend and possibly participating in cannibalism be placed on a vegetarian diet to keep him from being "involved in any senseless killing" while incarcerated.

Yes, I know this guys actions are not neat and the whole thing is very disturbing. But I thought the whole premise of PETA being involved in this would spark some interesting discussion.
The question I pose is this... Is there, in some peoples minds, a correlation between eating meat and this guys horrible actions?

Link (Photo: Jaime R. Carrero)

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man this place is full of retards!
one of the only things good said here was by ben.
wake up beeotchs, we are all one. it is way worse to eat a defenseless animal than to eat a human. we're killing and eating our brothers and sisters, and will never reach the next stage of evolution untill we stop.
animal liberation!!!
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