Here's a new fun Flickr pool for you: the CD Cover Meme. If you've always wanted to be in a rock band, here's your chance to design your own CD
cover ... sort of.
1. First, get the name of your band: this will be the first article title on
2. Get the title of your album: the last four words of the very last quote:
3. The third picture, no matter what it is, is your album cover:
My CD album cover is the top left corner: Goloring [wiki] is a cultural and spiritual monument of Iron Age era dating back to 1200-800 BC (during which time there was a widespread solar cult in Central Europe). The quote is from "The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible" by Oscar Wilde. The picture, titled Doorman, is by Flickr user ms. donnalee.
Link - via subpar - Thanks KM Alexander!
Update 2/1/08 - Here's a scripted version for the meme: - Thanks Christopher Palmer!
Comments (33)
I had a lot of fun with this, and in fact was so inspired I created a whole discogrpahy for this fake band that I'll make either my 3rd or 4th novel about (depending on how things go with my 2nd one which I'm still working on), but in the mean the band actually gets referenced in my first novel and I plan to sneak on in to my second one too.
Here's the "discography":