Archive for January 10th, 2008

Ducks Redux

(YouTube link) VonSkippy thought that the Duck Herding video could be improved with a musical soundtrack. Since he’s such a sweet guy, I went right to work and talked my brother into remixing it....

Star Murals by Rip Read

Rip Read is a star painter, or "startist" as he calls himself. Specifically, he paints stars and galaxies on the ceiling. Rip uses phosphorescent pigments (that glow for up to 25 hours) to create his artwork. T...

Tata Nano: World's Cheapest Car

Meet the Tata Nano car, currently the cheapest car in the world:The vehicle, called the Tata Nano, will sell for 100,000 rupees or $2,500 (£1,277) and enable those in developing countries to move to four wheels...

Top 100 Funny Quotes

A list of more or less funny quotes by famous persons such as Albert Einstein, Fredrick Nietzsche, Sarah Silverman and George Carlin (above photo). Link - via ebr303quotes...

Valentine Geekery: Chocolate Miis

This Valentine's Day, don't just buy a box of chocolate for your beloved geek, buy him or her this: the Choclate Mii.This box of candy has it all. In fact, the box is even part of the gift. Crafted to look like a min...

Dude, Where's My Bridge?

Workers at a heating plant in Khabarovsk, eastern Russia, went to work early one morning to discover that a bridge on the only road to their work had disappeared overnight!The thieves worked at night when there was no on...

Nut and Bolt Wedding Ring

Kiley Granberg, an artist and student at the Alberta College of Art and Design, sent us one of her creations: a nut and bolt wedding ring, perfect for the gearhead, or lug nut, that you love!It's clever in oh so many way...

Hello Kitty Jesus Tattoo

Apparently, this is what you get when pop culture and religion clashed: I know you read the title of this post and were shaking your head in disbelief even before you looked at what I have written. You thought that I...

Mandelbrot Fractal Art Contest

Spiral Fantasy by Alfred LaingFractals are so purty! Here are the winners of the 2007 Second International Benoit Mandelbrot Fractal Art Contest, which was named after the Father of Fractal Geometry himself: Link - T...

Grossest Ear Plugs Ever: Man Cut Own Nipples, Cast 'Em in Resin, Wears 'Em on Ears!

Before I write this post, let me check the date. Yep, too early for April Fool's, so it can only mean that - hands down - it's the grossest plugs ever: John Blake cut off his nipples, cast them in resin and wears the...

Trivia: The Origin of Cobb Salad

The first Cobb salad was made from leftovers.The story goes like this: In the late 1930s, LA's famous Brown Derby restaurant owner Bob Cobb went to fix a late night snack for Sid Grauman, the owner of Grauman's Chinese T...


The game Untangle challenges you to simply fix the lines so that they do not cross. Simply? Ha! Sure, it starts out simple, but rapidly becomes a mind boggler. Link -via YesButNoButYes...

Double Vision

Ever have a bit too much to drink only to end up getting double vision? Sure it's funny when you're drunk but this neat website has a very cool collection of pictures (presumably done with Photoshop) that will have...

The Stay-at-Home Home Server

Tom O’Conner wrote the online children’s book Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House? to help children understand the stay-at-home server. Yes, it’s an ad for Windows, but it’s cute. http://www.stay...

The Placebo Effect in Weight Loss

Can your perception of your exercise habits change your weight? Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer performed an experiment with hotel maids. She found that the maids didn’t consider what they did as exercise, although t...

Boy Scout Saves President of the Maldives

15-year-old Boy Scout Mohamed Jaisham outdid himself for his good deed of the day -he saved the life of his president! At the opening of an environmental project, a man stepped out of the crowd with a knife wrapped in th...

The Stars Wars Guide to the Candidates

In this tongue-in-cheek posting, the 2008 presidential candidates are each linked with his/her Star Wars equivalent. Darth McCain, Hillando Clintrissian, Mitt Skywalker, and Grand Moff Giuliani included. Link -via the...

High Speed Video Compilation

Here is a beautiful compilation of high speed videography that includes people, machines, animals, bullets, water and much more. Enjoy! Link: LiveLeakVideo, High Speed...

Quote: Jules Renard on Laziness

"Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired." - Jules Renard, author (1864 - 1910)...

Gorgeous Bird-Shaped Clothespin

Designboom has a neat post about an exhibition of Yoav Ziv and Gad Charny's clothes-pins (or clothes pegs, take your pick) collection (curated with Yaacov Kaufman):One would have expected the pegs to disappear, with...

Golf Commentator Got Into Trouble For "Lynch" Tiger Woods Joke

The Golf Channel's commentator Kelly Tilghman got into hot water (bunker?) when she joked about what young golfers that wanted to challenge Tiger Woods should do to him:Faldo and Tilghman were discussing young player...

USB Desk Vacuum Cleaner

Messy desk? Well, this tiny USB Desk Vacuum can't help with the big stuff, but it can definitely help keep your workstation crumb-free!Just plug it into a free USB port and vacuum up those crumbs (the mini-vacuum handle...

World's Largest Snow Sculpture

That's "Romantic Feelings," the world's largest snow sculpture in the 20th International Snow Sculpture Art Expo in Harbin, China.The sculpture is about 115 feet (35 m) high and 656 feet (200 m) long!Sun-Sentin...

"Meanest Mom on the Planet" Sold Kid's Car

When Jane Hambleton of Fort Dodge, Iowa, found a bottle of booze under the front seat of her 19-year-old son's car, she took out this ad on The Des Moines Register's classifieds: "Totally uncool parents who obvi...

COLOURlover's New COPASO Color Palette Tool

Our pal Darius Monsef of COLOURlovers blog has created a new web-based color palette tool called COPASO:COPASO is an advanced color palette tool that helps you create the perfect color schemes and themes. With a scra...

How Could the New Hampshire Polls Get It So Wrong?

Over the years, polls have gotten very accurate in predicting who will win elections. But obviously, pollsters were wrong - very wrong - in predicting result of the New Hampshire primaries.Nine individual polls (even Hil...

Steampunk Superheroes

Inspired by the Gotham by Gaslight comic book by Mike Mignola and Brian Augustyn (a Batman comic set in the 1880s), Sillof created a set of steampunk superheroes (famous members of the Justice League set in Victorian Era...

Japanese Marshmallow Eating Contest

Japanese game shows can make anything look funny, including this marshmallow eating contest.Link [embedded YouTube at GorillaMask](Where do these people get the ideas?)...

1945 Article About the Then Future 1975: Will War Drive Civilization Underground?

In 1942, Gardner Dane wrote an article about how the world would look like by 1975. Gardner predicted that a devastating World War III would force people to move underground in order to survive.Though obviously the war d...

What Is It? Game 50

Today's collaboration with What is it? Blog is special: it's the 50th game we've posted! To celebrate this milestone, we're giving away a Free Neatorama T-shirt to two winners: the first correct guess on what the object...


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