Archive for January 3rd, 2008

Hofbrauhaus Catastrophe

When you’re working on beer by the liter, be careful not to toast too heartily! This once-in-a-lifetime photo is from Flickr user Slake B. -via J-Walk Blog...

Shaving with Hands - Stop Motion Video

A fun stop motion video showing a guy shaving off his beard using his bare hands. Link [YouTube] - via Beyond The Invisibleshaving...

Kung Fu Election: Mortal Kombat-Styled Flash Game for Political Junkies

Just in time for the Iowa caucus hullabaloo, here's a Mortal Kombat-styled Flash game called Kung Fu Election by Atom. See politicians kick the crap out of each other - choose your favorite candidate and fight to the fin...

5 Movies that Proved MPAA's Movie Ratings Suck

Can parents rely on MPAA's R or PG-13 ratings as a guide whether to let their kids watch a movie?No, according to David Chen of More Than Fine blog. He picked 5 movies released in 2007 to illustrate how the MPAA movie ra...

Male Monkeys "Pay" For Sex

Michael Gumert of Nanyang Technological University of Singapore discovered that male macaques "pay" to have sex by grooming the females. Interestingly, market forces apply even to monkey sex:On average, fem...

DIY X-Ray Photography with Polaroids

Aaron Muderick of Omnimatter (a fantastic blog, btw) is fascinated with x-ray. Turns out, it's not so difficult to make your very own x-ray photography using Polaroids!Here's a step-by-step guide (using naturally occurri...

Cynergy Lab's Project Maestro: Minority Report-Like Mouse Glove in Action

Remember the scene in Minority Report where Tom Cruise worked the computer by waving his hands frantically in front of it? Well, the technology is coming. Here's Rick Barraza showing of Cynergy Lab showcasing Pr...

365 Chiat Days: Taking Snapshot of a Desktop Everyday for a Year

Sean Ohlenkamp took a snapshot of his work desktop at advertising agency TBWA\Chiat\Day every day for one whole year, and made a short movie out of it.I quite like the clever ways he arranged folders to make them a "...

Drag Racing Gone Wrong

Here's something you don't see every day. This drag racer lost his axle on take-off. Notice the driver's reaction as he gets out of the car in this funny video. Link: maniacworldRace, Dragster, sport...

MC Hammer to Launch Video Site

MC Hammer is set to launch a new video site called DanceJam. The Web site, scheduled to debut in mid-January, will try to upstage YouTube and become the Internet's hub for sharing and watching dance videos. Dance...

18 People Stuck On Roller Coaster

Eighteen people who rode a roller coaster in Anhui, China, got more than they bargained for: they got stuck upside down for half an hour when strong winds caused the roller coaster to stop on its track! Strong...

Poli-Talks: Peculiar Quotes By Politicians

The following is from Uncle John's All-Purpose Extra Strength Bathroom Reader. Sick and tired of political campaigns this election year? Let's take a step back with something you can appreciate from the p...

What Is It? Game 49

W00t! It's time for this week's collaboration with What is it? Blog. For this game, the first of the year 2008 (and because I missed most of last month's), let's make this extra fun: Guess what this stra...

Human Tetris

We've posted Guillaume Reymond's other GAME OVER Projects, like the Human Space Invaders, Human Pole Position and Human Pong before ... Now Guillaume has returned with another masterpiece: the Human Tetris!Hit play or go...

RIAA: Transferring Music From Legally Bought CD to Computer is Illegal Still Okay

We don't normally post stuff like copyfight and the RIAA's quest to quash music piracy through lawsuits (blogs like Boing Boing covered this subject well enough), but this recent article in the Washington Post is too goo...

Hunt Rettig's Artwork

Aspen artist Hunt Rettig used paperboard, plastic, wood, metal and silicone to create a three-dimensional sculpture, which he then covered with a translucent film to make it look like a two-dimensional photo!The result i...

Trivia: What Does the L.L. in L.L. Bean Stand For

The L.L. in L.L. Bean stands for Leon Leonwood. In 1912, Leon Leonwood Bean started a mail order company by selling "Bean Boots," waterproof boots sold to hunters.A defect in the original design led customers t...

Giant Underwear Saved the Day!

Jenny Marsey knew that her giant underwear would come in handy one day. Like putting out a fire, for instance: Jenny Marsey's size 18-20 cotton pants were grabbed to cover a frying pan fire at her home in Hartlepool....

Orangutan's Laughter is Infectious to Other Orangutans

Scientists discovered that orangutan's laughter is infectious (to other orangutans, that is). And that evolutionarily, this may be a precursor to human emotions:Orang-utans can also make each other chuckle – in...

Can Neatorama Make You Smile Again?

Sure we can! This kid should win an Oscar for Best Evil Eye Performance: [YouTube Link] And two evil laughs: [YouTube Link] and this evil scientist that I cannot embed....

Bloody Beowulf LEGO Diorama: Then Came Grendel .. He Bore God's Wrath!

No wussy LEGO diorama for Brickshelf user MicahBerger - he went straight for the jugular with this blood-drenched scene from Beowulf, aptly titled "Then came Grendel ... He bore God's wrath." http://www.bricksh...

Worst Christmas Ever: Man Spent Christmas Eve Stuck in Septic Tank

How did you spend Christmas Eve? Was it at an awkward family gathering? Scrambling to buy last minute gifts? No matter how stressful it was for you, Robert Schoff has got it beat: he spent it trapped upside down in a ful...

Quote: Lily Tomlin on Language

"Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain." - Lily Tomlin, actress and comedian (b. 1939)...

Wall-Mounted Paper Folder Shaped Like Computer Desktop Folders

German designer Wir Gestalten created this wall-hanging paper folder called "Neuer Ordner" (New Folder) shaped like a desktop folder on your computer! - via swissmiss...

Could You Pass Eighth Grade Science?

Could you pass eight grade science? Take the quiz! I did well, partially because I help my fifth-grader study these exact things for her science class. -via Geek Like Me...

Packing Tape Art

Mark Khaisman is a Ukranian artist and architect living in Philadelphia. His mixed media works were made by applying packaging tape to plexiglas panels! -via Du...

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