Archive for December 13th, 2007

Megaminx In 1:21.67

(Metacafe link) Stefan Pochmann is a Rubik’s cube champion. In this video, he is solving a Megaminx {wiki}, a 12-sided puzzle with 50 moveable pieces. Link to Pochmann’s website. -via Unique Daily...

Grow a Xmas Tree

Make a Christmas ecard with a personalized animated message on your Christmas tree! Check out the one I made for Neatorama. Link (via Dump Trumpet)...

Bears in Ill-Fitting Hats

There is a Flickr pool for every conceivable subject. Bears in Ill-Fitting Hats is a delightful collection of 47 illustrations of... well, you know. The bear pictured here is a contribution from Neatorama favorite Apel...

10 Weird Psychology Studies

PsyBlog has teasers and links to ten really strange psychological studies, such as psychic dogs, married couples who resemble each other, and the antidepressant qualities of semen. You are invited to vote for which you t...

Evil Look

(YouTube link) The only thing cuter than a laughing baby is a laughing baby that gives you the Evil Look. -via Arbroath...

Christmas Wax

Enjoy a collection of mp3s of Christmas music recorded on wax in the early 20th century. This includes music from the Edison Concert Band and the Edison Mixed Quartet. Eddie Cantor's rendition of The Only Thing I Wan...

Lost Season 4 is coming in February 2008!

Here's a mediocre trailer for the new season on YouTube. According to the Wikipedia article on Lost, it looks like there are at least eight finished episodes "in the can" for Season 4 out of sixteen episodes anticipat...

Laser Gunship Revealed

Boeing has taken the first step in making the laser gunship a reality by installing the weapon on a C-130H. Boeing completed the laser installation Dec. 4 at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. The laser, including its maj...

Disappearing Car Door

The original inventors and designers of the exciting Disappearing Car Door technology are now in a position to equip your favorite automobile with a cool, sexy, safe and convenient automatic door. The vehicle arch...

Woman's Miraculous Recovery Stuns Husband & Doctors

One Saturday in May, Ryan Finley tried to wake up his wife Jill but she wouldn't wake up. The 31-year-old woman had gone into cardiac arrest in her sleep and fell into a coma. After she was rushed to the hospital, do...

Not Your Grandma's Kitchen Timer

Looking for a quirky stocking stuffer for your favorite cook? Look no further than Design*Sponge's handy guide to funky kitchen timers. I actually had (and loved) the tape measure timer above until my husband broke it....

Dribble of Snail.

For that hard-to-buy-for someone -- Baba de caracol, translated by the manufacturer as "dribble of snail."The studies have verified that the dribble of snail allows to prevent and to eliminate wrinkle...

The Politics of Philosophical Destruction

[YouTube Link] A vicious attack ad against Immanuel Kant.  56 sec. Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ...

Man Plans To Jump From Helicopter And Land Without Using Parachute

Jeb Corliss has leaped from buildings and other places in a single bound. Now, he plans to do it without the aid of a parachute. Corliss, who is a base jumper, has made jumps in 16 countries and five contents, mo...

Oklahoma Ice Storm

Large chunks of ice fall from an antenna during the Oklahoma ice storm. Look at the end of the clip and see the damage it made to someone’s vehicle. Source: YoutubeIce, storm...

What is It? Game 48

This week's collaboration with What is it? Blog brings us this strange contraption: can you guess what it is? (No, it's not a tweezer for an extra large nose).Place your guess in the comment section - no...

Giant Glass of Beer

When you promise your spouse that you'll only have one glass of beer, with this giant 5-for-1 beer glass technically you're still keeping your word!The giant glass holds 60 ounces of liquid. That's 5 cans of bee...

Zeus Lightning Bolt Letter Opener

Don't just meekly open your mails, rip 'em up like a god (or goddess) with this Zeus lightning bolt letter opener! You can even take out your agression at some junk mail like the gods on Mount Olympus ...Made by Greece i...

Scans of Vintage Christmas Catalogs

WishbookWeb has a fantastic collection of vintage Christmas catalog scanned for your browsing enjoyment!Available are old Ward, Sears, Spiegel, and JC Penney Christmas catalogs from the 1940s through the 1980s.Link - via...

Chrissie Macdonald's Catalog Art

What to do with all those unwanted catalogs you got as junk mail? Well, Chrissie Macdonald turned hers into artwork!Link (Photo by John Short) - via Core 77If you like this, you'll probably like Jen Stark's Paper Artwork...

Quote: Jack Handey on Criticism

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." - Jack Handey, comedian (1949 - )...

Super Mario Bros. "Power Up" Energy Drink

Yes, that's a Super Mario energy drink called "Power Up," spotted last year by Flickr user Scuzzi during a Nintendo World event in Manhattan, New York.What does it taste like? Apparently, raspberry (no, not mus...

Phone Booth Aquarium

Image: nicolasnova [Flickr]Benoit Deseille and Benedetto Bufalino turned a phone booth into an aquarium as part of Fête des lumieres 2007 (Light Festival) in Lyon, France.


Cat lovers in Tokyo, Japan, who are unable to own pets because of housing regulations can rent one instead at Cat Cafe Calico:Visitors to Calico pay 800 yen an hour or 2,000 yen for three hours in a big room where 14...

Toyota Built a Violin-Playing Robot

Itzhak Perlman watch out! Toyota has created a robot that can play the violin:The new personal robot is a part of Toyota’s Global Vision 2020. The 152-centimeters (5-foot) tall two-legged robot is capable of pl...

Roadkill Stuffed Animal

Adam Arber and friends started their own unique brand of stuffed animal company: they specialize in roadkills!The very first stuffed animal available for sale (£25) is Twitch the Raccoon. Besides the bulging, blood...

Toilet Paper Typography

The clever folks at Typeworkshop created this typography using toilet papers (the word they've chosen to spell is, ... well, obvious!). It's part of a workshop called Zigzag Zombie in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Particip...

Aganetha Dyck's Beehive Artwork

Artist Aganetha Dyck "collaborated" with bees to create her artwork: she installed found objects and figurines into living beehives where they were incorporated into the hive by the bees and later retrieved as...

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