The Wal-Mart Prank

Here's a funny article at ZUG, written by Joe the Peacock of Mentally Incontinent about his experiences working at America's favorite store: Wal-Mart ...

I first heard about the Wal-Mart position from a friend of mine who was working the early morning shift at the famous discount retailer. He explained that the electronics department needed a full-time employee on the overnight shift, because the last person who worked there was caught masturbating to a Cindy Crawford workout tape at 2 AM while the other employees were goofing off in the break room.

Sadly, I'm not kidding.

Joe went on to describe how he was pranked at Wal-Mart, got fired by an unscrupulous gang who framed him for theft, and how he got a sweet, sweet revenge: Link - via Miss Cellania (who has a whole list of Wal-Mart related websites)

What an immature idiot....

I can't believe I had to read through three screens of writing to find out:
-this guy's biggest problem in life is that his co-workers at WalMart didn't like him;
-he thinks making people watch porn unintentionally is a punishment;
- his greatest achievement in life is to hijack a public address system.
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Da plane, da plane. Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Even for a "internet story" it's lacking so much validity I can't imagine there are that many gullible people around to believe it.
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Funny story, but I am dubious. I can't believe that Wal-Mart would just let him get away with this, especially if they were forced to honor the fake computer sale, as he said. I'm guessing if this did happen it would result in a rather hefty lawsuit.
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So wait, he turned on those TVs when there was a huge crowd in the store? Even little kids?

If this is real, I think he's an idiot. Who cares what those people thought of him? He should have moved on and learned from it instead of reacting so immaturely.
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I believe he did get fired from Wal-Mart, probably for some dumb reason, but his whole revenge story reeks of B.S. He probably just thought of this idea in his head as some absurd fantasy and decided to post it online as reality. I really, really, really, doubt this is true.
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best story ever. how could this NOT be true? something so sinister couldn't have been carried out better. screw wal mart and their hoards of ignorance. at least he didn't hurt anybody or commit an actual crime. it's hailarious and that store deserved every minute of that uncomfortable 6 hours of german scheisse videos.
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