Superb Star Wars AT-AT Wreck Model

Dimitri Kaliviotis built this 1/32 model of an abandoned Star Wars AT-AT wreck to win a contest held by Starship Modeler:

With a few extra modifications and heavy weathering I finally put together a battle damaged and abandoned AT-AT. To give more depth to the scene I added another layer of time by building a primitive refuge that utilized the already abandoned AT-AT. To make things even more layered I made the newer refuge abandoned as well.

The small pic really didn't do it justice - check out the full scale photos here: | More Entries - via GeekAlerts

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The former SW geek and modeler in me LOOOOVES this! The current artist and designer in me thinks he could have taken it in a better direction. The stone hovel doesn't make sense in this context. Is it older or newer than the wreckage? A little shanty town around the legs, with scrap metal and tarps would have been even more awesome. Still, really nice work.
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