Love Letters

No words are spoken in this short film, titled Love Letters, directed by Mary Gillen of the Columbia MFA Film program. All the "action" is in a particularly intense game of Scrabble. Nevertheless, the film is quite riveting and emotional...

A fantastic performance by Sandy Nisson and Harry Shaw: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Marilyn Terrell!

Zandt K,

I don't know the first piece, which is VERY familiar, but the second piece is by Brian Eno, called Music for Airports (the whole piece is 17 minutes long).
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Looks like a typical film school film. Slow. Morose. Uninteresting. Predictable.

How about she ninjas him with the scrabble board as he walks away, then steps over his body and goes in side with the dogs.

Who's Agnes? and why do I care?

I also noticed the first score error - and the second!
Details people notice!
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Good idea, ted. Proper execution requires the use of some HTML magic (can't use space, needs to use the code for non-breaking space)


Even then, I still needed to edit this comment several times to get the spacing right.

But as I said, you guys are hard to please - I thought the video clip was fantastic!
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Agreeing with kpkonobi, they didn't just mess up on the opening scores but on most scores. Clearly they can't do simple math, nor do they recognize what the 2W, 3W, 2L, and 3L squares mean.
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She's used a proper noun! Who's cheating now?!

Seriously, though, i'm going to be unpopular here and say it wasn't boaring, but it was sad. I was hoping for a happier ending, though, like Agnes was his girlfriend from his youth or something.

Oh well.
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