High-speed chases may soon be a thing of the past. Eureka Aerospace of Pasadena, California, has developed a high-power electromagnetic system that uses microwave to let police disable your car's engine from a distance!
http://eurekaaerospace.com/hpems.php - via Technabob, thanks Wendy Piersall!
If that's not cool/big brother enough, the other thing the company's working on is a radar system that lets you "see through" a wall.
It's a good idea that's been ripe for development for a long time. Yeah, there is the potential for some mayhem if (when) the devices fall into the wrong hands. Not developing it will just mean somebody else does, though... Think of the pfun hackerz will have when somebody cooks up a homebrew version!
thats just scary
im not sure why but this disturbed me
Luckily, my ass has a PhD, so I'll stick to my first post.
But even Gomer could figure this one out. For your criminal type activity - or just for those days when you want to have some fun out running Boss Hog - use a car with a carburetor instead of FI's (and maybe that trunk mounted SAM).
Yes, as long as the crooks are driving a non-computer controlled car, the device should be ineffective. But isn't just the fuel system that will need to be old-tech -- you'll need a non-electronic ignition system, which takes you back a long ways. Your Phd ass may recall that fuel, air, AND SPARK are needed for combustion. Anyone watching helicopter chase scenes will observe that '69 Chargers don't pop up all that often.
PetShark is right, but to elaborate a little... I think you are either more familiar with diesel engines (which indeed don't use sparkplugs!), or are mixing up the car's starter (powerful little electric motor that spins the engine over while you "crank" it) with ignition system (fires spark plugs to light the gasoline-air mixture.