DailyBits featured an article called the Top 6 Bizarre Online Gaming Incidents, including real life murder, kidnapping, theft, virtual rape, a plague and even death ... all because of online games!
Like this one, for example:
1. Legend of Mir 3 player stabs fellow gamer to death
Back in 2005 Qiu Chengwei, a 41 years-old Shanghai resident, stabbed fellow gamer Zhu Caoyuan repeatedly in the chest, causing his death. The reason? Zhu sold the “dragon sabre,” a weapon that they won jointly in the MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game).
According to the China Daily, Qiu Chengwei went to the police first, but after being told that virtual items were not protected by law, he decided to make “justice” with his own hands.
Qiu Chengwei received a life sentence.
Link - Thanks Daniel!