Skarabej is an “online museum of old family photographs” from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, the Czech Republic, and Croatia. Many were found in anonymous collections at flea markets or in attics, although some are contributed.
Although we collect we are not collectors. We would like to create an archive of memmories of unknown people and events and make them available to everyone. No doubt, we are all going to be in forgotten, old family photographs.
The wedding photo above is from the Marenãiç family of Croatia. Link -via Metafilter
i re-read it tho and realize it probably sounds like "ska ra bay" but on first glance, skarabej looks like skrabbel.
I've been on a bit of a lost family history kick lately. That so many people are all but forgotten after one or two generations, even by their own descendants, is very sad. I recently found the gravesite of my great-great-grandfather, who was the first of my family to set out from the northeast back in the mid-1800's, homesteading a farm in NW Iowa. No one in my immediate family even knew his name, much less where he lived or was buried. Sad.