Archive for December 1st, 2007

The First Dance

Not just your ordinary first dance. See for yourself ... Via: YouTube EDITOR's NOTE Thanks to Neatorama reader Rohin, this version is much better! Thanks Rohin!! Funny, dance, We...

Weightless Dog

Watch the dog go weightless in the back of the plane! It's the funniest thing ever! LOL!! Via: YouTube...

One Cold Hand?

One Cold Hand? is “a site for the collection and hopeful reunion of Pittburgh’s dropped gloves.” Maybe this idea will spread to other cities, although Miami would probably pass. Link -via Fark...


The ETree is an interactive lamp consisting of ten strands of light that you can bend into different shapes. The ETree was designed by Jesus Felipe and Silvia Grimaldi of Nimble Critters. Link to design site. http://ki...

Hershey Candy Made to Look Like Drugs

New mint packets being sold by The Hershey Co. look nearly identical to the tiny heat-sealed bags used to sell illegal powdered drugs like crack, heroin and cocaine and glorify the drug trade, a Philadelphia police o...

WWII Army Bag Is Found In Desert

A bag belonging to a World War II soldier from Lancashire has been discovered in the Egyptian desert after lying there for more than 60 years. Alec Ross, from Burnley, lost the bag containing personal letters and pho...

Dumb blonde fails 3rd grade question

The real question is: are all blondes dumb? Probably not, but this one won't help that nasty myth. You be the judge.... Via: YouTube...

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