Archive for November 2007

New Zealand: Fat? No Immigration For You!

Richie Trezise emigrated to New Zealand when he got a job there, so naturally he wanted his wife Rowan to come over. But the New Zealand immigration department rejected her request because she was too fat! (They were afr...

Charmion: Trapeeze/Striptease Artist

The Human Marvels has a post about Laverie Vallee, better known as Charmion, a "strongwoman" who performed risqué (by the standards back then) striptease while swinging on the trapeeze!The act opened...

The Color of Fields of Study in College: What Those Sashes Worn During Graduation Ceremony Actually Signify

In the late 1800s, universities in the United States adopted the standardization of cap and gowns students wear to graduation ceremonies:European institutions have always had diversity in their academic dress, but Am...

Christmas Tree Ornament Wishes You an Enjoyable (Last) Holiday

From etsy seller tinaseamonster, here's a Christmas tree ornament that wishes you an enjoyable holiday season! Link - via Miniature Brainwave...

Need a Reason to Quit Smoking?

Hit play or follow the link to watch this guy distilling the tar contained in two boxes of cigarettes. Now, don't smoke! Link to Metacafe video - via Geeks a Sexy...

The Gettysburg Address, Reimagined

President Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863 (144 years ago today). But what if President Lincoln were a modern CEO? Then his Gettysburg Address would be given as a Powerpoint pr...

Robot Cockroaches Fool the Real Things

Researchers in Belgium infiltrated cockroach colonies with robots in order to study their group behavior. The robots didn’t look much like cockroaches, but the roaches didn’t mind as long as they smelled rig...


In Terminus, a short movie by Trevor Cawood, a man tries to shake an annoying concrete creature who follows him around. Link [Quicktime] | Link [YouTube] -via I Am Bored...

That old blogger, Santa Claus

Santa Claus left a comment at my site today, reminding me about his personal blog. The latest post tells about the launch of his business blog, Corporate Responsibility @ The North Pole, where you can look up Santa’s s...

World's Largest Mechoui Grill.

63-year-old Christian Falco, a French cook, has prepared the world's largest mechoui grill -- spit-roasting a 550-kg camel for 15 hours at a seaside Moroccan town south of Rabat. 2.7 tonnes of wood and 15 litres of o...

Steam Trek: The Moving Picture

What it might have looked like if Star Trek was made a 100 years ago by George Melies. View the full version of this brilliant at Link [YouTube] - via Fanboystar trek, movies, s...

Optical Illusions Compilation (video)

A nicely put together video clip, showing various optical illusions and other mind teasers. You've probably seen a lot of them already - like the fact that it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod...

The Cloud

The Cloud is Nadim Karam's design concept for a resort city elevated 300 metres in the air and supported on slanting legs resembling rain. Where it's supposed to be located? Yes, you guessed it: in Dubai. Link...

MC Mechanic - Hand Fixing Hand by Shane Willis

Shane Willis'MC Mechanic - Hand Fixing Hand (left) is a fantastic and futuristic homage to MC Escher's iconic Drawing Hands (1948): Link to larger pic - via BB Gadgets...

Flexible Ownership of ... Pets!

First it was cars, then the flexible ownership concept moves on to ... pets! Flexpetz aims to provide pets on a temporary basis to dog lovers who are unable to own a dog "full-time," either because of restric...

Going to School in a Cave

Reuters has a neat gallery of a primary school in China that is built inside a gigantic cave:Children attend class at the Dongzhong (literally meaning "in cave") primary school at a Miao village in Ziyun co...

Miss Landmine: Beauty Pageant for Angolan Women Mutilated by Mines

After being ravaged by years of civil war, Angola is littered with thousands of landmines all over the country. In 23 years, over 80,000 people had died or lost limbs due to one wrong step.To call attention to this probl...

Dynamic Trinity: Mario, Dig Dug, and Pac-Man Artwork by Matt Burlingame

In this piece called Dynamic Trinity, artist Matt Burlingame depicted the heroes of three videogames (Mario, Dig Dug and Pac-Man) vanquishing their enemies. There's something bloodcurdling about the way Pac-Man...

Equation Bookshelf

There are many schemes to organize books: alphabetical order, by author, or even by color. This Equation Bookshelf by estúdio breder, however, lets you to organize your books according to a criterion we d...

Building on a Dollar Bill and the Real Thing

Photo: Musely [Flickr]Flickr user Musely took this series of photographs lining up the illustration of buildings on the back of US currencies with the actual buildings in Washington, D.C.! Shown are the Lincoln Memorial...

All I Know About Presentations, I Learned From Theatre School

Whether you give presentations regularly or only have to give one every now and then, you'd know that the simplest things can make a difference between a good talk and a bad one. And even if you're a seminar maven, there...

Road Runner's Death Scenes

Death Scene: While Waiting for a Train to Pass, the Roadrunner is Fatally Clubbed with a Stop Sign (2003)In the Looney Tunes cartoon, the Road Runner always managed to survive death traps set by Wile E. Coyote. But not i...

Cops Opened a Tattoo Parlor to Catch Criminals

Police in Augusta, Georgia hit upon a brilliant idea to catch gangbangers: just open a head shop / tattoo parlor and watch criminals walk in to sell their illegal weapons! The tattoo parlor was the brainchild of Rich...

Bacon-Wrapped Turkey

Thanksgiving is just around the corner but it's not too late to try and persuade whoever is making your dinner this year to try this recipe: bacon-wrapped turkey!Link - via YesButNoButYes...

What is Your Blog's Reading Level?

Critics Rant created the Blog Readibility Test, an online tool to check what level of education is required to understand your blog. The tool is easy to use: just plug in your blog's URL to find out.Apparently, to unde...

Lamponi's Lamps

Italian artist Maurizio Lamponi Leopardi started out as a mechanical engineer, but ended up working as an artist creating lamps wonderfully shaped like whimsical household objects.Link - via Inhabitat and Make...

"Who's on First?" With Yoda and JarJar Binks

It's the classic Abbott and Constello sketch about baseball, but with Master Yoda and JarJar Binks from Star Wars. [YouTube Link] Hat tip to Ken Hagler...

Ferdinand Cheval's Ideal Palace

Photo: Sad Tomato One day, French postman Ferdinand Cheval tripped over a stone when he was out walking. He was so inspired by bizarrely-shaped stone that he went back the next day to the same spot and began collectin...

Eric Joisel, the Origami Master

Hit the Play button to watch the awesome wet folded paper artwork of Eric Joisel, who is considered one of the best paper folders in the world. Links: Eric's website - via Paper Forest Previously on Neatorama:...


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